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Created September 29, 2017 12:47
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;; -*-lisp-*-
;; Here is a sample .stumpwmrc file
(in-package :stumpwm)
(set-prefix-key (kbd "C-t"))
;;; log to debug output
(redirect-all-output (data-dir-file "debug" "log"))
(defcommand debug-toggle () ()
"Toggle debug logging."
(if (= stumpwm::*debug-level* 0)
(setf stumpwm::*debug-level* 10)
(setf stumpwm::*debug-level* 0))))
;; load Swank so we can connect with SLIME
(load "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/swank-loader.lisp")
(defvar *swank-p* nil)
;; define swank command to start swank server on port 4005
(defcommand swank () ()
"Starts a swank server on port 4005 and notifies the user."
(setf stumpwm:*top-level-error-action* :break)
(if *swank-p*
(message "Swank server already running.")
(swank:create-server :port 4005
:style swank:*communication-style*
:dont-close t)
(setf *swank-p* t)
(message "Starting swank on port 4005."))))
;;; variables
(set-module-dir "~/opt/stumpwm-contrib")
(setf *default-groups*
'("www" ;1
"irc" ;2
"mail" ;3
"emacs" ;4
"enableit" ;5
"projects" ;6
"stuff" ;7
"repl" ;8
"clojure" ;9
"shell1" ;10
"shell2" ;11
;; (setf *screen-mode-line-format* "[^B%n^b] %W %d %C %l %M | %N")
(setf *screen-mode-line-format* "[^B%n^b] %W %d %C %l %M")
;;; functions
(defun initialize-groups ()
(let* ((screen (current-screen))
(group (current-group))
(groups (or (if (string-equal (group-name group) *default-group-name*)
(setf (group-name group) (car *default-groups*))
(cdr *default-groups*)))
(lambda (name)
(unless (find-group screen name)
(add-group screen name)))
(defun message-urgent-window (target)
(message-no-timeout "~a has an message for you." (window-title target)))
(add-hook *urgent-window-hook* 'message-urgent-window)
;;; commands
(defcommand show-ip-addrs () ()
"Shows the output of `ip addr`."
(run-shell-command "ip addr | grep -Eo '^([0-9]| +inet6? ).+'" t))
(defcommand show-battery () ()
"Shows the output of `ip addr`."
(run-shell-command "acpitool -b" t))
;;; initialization
(load-module "cpu")
(load-module "mem")
(load-module "net")
;; (load-module "notifications")
(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(ql:quickload "xembed")
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(load-module "stumptray")
;;; key bindings and mouse
;; click to focus windows
(setf *mouse-focus-policy* :click)
;; add shortcuts to groups 1-9
(loop for i from 1 to 9
do (define-key *top-map*
(kbd (format nil "s-~D" i))
(format nil "gselect ~D" i)))
;; (define-key *root-map* (kbd "N") 'notifications:*notifications-map*)
;; other key bindings
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-quoteleft") "gother")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-s-Left") "gprev")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-s-Right") "gnext")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Left") "move-focus left")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Right") "move-focus right")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Up") "move-focus up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Down") "move-focus down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-Left") "exchange-direction left")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-Right") "exchange-direction right")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-Up") "exchange-direction up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-Down") "exchange-direction down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-n") "pull-hidden-next")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-p") "pull-hidden-previous")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-b") "mode-line")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "I") "show-window-properties")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-l") "exec slock xset dpms force off")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-L") "exec slock systemctl off")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-M-L") "exec slock systemctl hibernate")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-F11") "show-ip-addrs")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-F12") "show-battery")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-F7") "exec mpc prev")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-F8") "exec mpc next")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioPlay") "exec mpc toggle")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-F9") "exec mpc toggle")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioMute") "exec pavolume mutetoggle")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-F10") "exec pavolume mutetoggle")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioLowerVolume") "exec pavolume voldown")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-F11") "exec pavolume voldown")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86AudioRaiseVolume") "exec pavolume volup")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-s-F12") "exec pavolume volup")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86MonBrightnessUp") "exec brightness up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "XF86MonBrightnessDown") "exec brightness down")
;;; installing quicklisp
;; $ curl -O
;; $ curl -O
;; $ gpg --verify quicklisp.lisp.asc quicklisp.lisp
;; $ sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp
;; (quicklisp-quickstart:install)
;; (ql:quickload system-name)
(if nil
(let* ((ml (head-mode-line (current-head)))
(mlh (mode-line-head ml))
(current-head-width (head-width mlh))
(s (current-screen))
(f (screen-font s))
(*current-mode-line-formatters* *screen-mode-line-formatters*)
(*current-mode-line-formatter-args* (list ml))
(mode-line-string (mode-line-format-string ml))
(space-width (xlib:text-width f " ")))
(mode-line-mode ml)
(mode-line-window ml)
(xlib:text-width f mode-line-string))
(+ 3840 1920 1920)
(let* ((ml (head-mode-line (current-head)))
(*current-mode-line-formatters* *screen-mode-line-formatters*)
(*current-mode-line-formatter-args* (list ml))
(string (mode-line-format-string ml)))
(defcommand (next-in-group tile-group) () ()
"Go to the next window in the current group."
(let* ((group (current-group))
(windows (group-windows group)))
;; (if (group-current-window group)
;; (focus-forward group (frame-sort-windows group (tile-group-current-frame group)))
;; (other-window-in-frame group))
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Page_Down") "mode-line")
(undefine-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Page_Up"))
(undefine-key *top-map* (kbd "s-Page_Down"))))
(defun list-groups (&optional
(screen (current-screen))
(verbose nil)
(wfmt *window-format*))
(let* ((groups (sort-groups (current-screen)))
(names (mapcan
(lambda (g)
(format-expand *group-formatters* *group-format* g)
(when verbose
(mapcar (lambda (w)
(format-expand *window-formatters*
(concatenate 'string " " wfmt)
(sort-windows g)))))
(if *list-hidden-groups* groups (non-hidden-groups groups)))))
(defun move-focus-and-or-window (dir &optional win-p)
(declare (type (member :up :down :left :right) dir))
(let* ((group (current-group))
(new-frame )
(window (current-window)))
(when new-frame
(if (and win-p window)
(pull-window window new-frame)
(focus-frame group new-frame)))))
(defcommand testheads (dir) ((:direction "Direction: "))
(let* ((group (current-group))
(other-frame (neighbour dir (tile-group-current-frame group) (group-frames group)))
(other-head (frame-head group other-frame)))
(message "other-frame ~S~&other-head ~S" other-frame other-head)))
(defvar *head-focus-map* nil)
(defcommand (move-focus-2 tile-group) (dir) ((:direction "Direction: "))
"Focus the frame adjacent to the current one in the specified
direction. The following are valid directions:
@table @asis
@item up
@item down
@item left
@item right
@end table"
(move-focus-and-or-window dir))
(defun read-key ()
"Return a dotted pair (code . state) key."
(loop for ev = (xlib:process-event *display* :handler #'read-key-handle-event :timeout nil) do
(when (and (consp ev)
(eq (first ev) :key-press))
(return (rest ev)))))
(defvar *group-cycle-index* NIL)
(defvar *group-cycle-group-list* NIL)
(defcommand gcycle () ()
"Cycle through the group list"
;; if the previous command was not gcycle we reset the index and copy
;; the group list
(message "doing stuff")
(if (or
(string-not-equal *last-command* "gcycle")
(not *group-cycle-index*)
(not *group-cycle-group-list*))
(setq *group-cycle-index* 0)
(setq *group-cycle-group-list* (screen-groups (current-screen)))))
;; increment the index into the group list
(incf *group-cycle-index*)
(switch-to-group (nth *group-cycle-index* *group-cycle-group-list*))))
(setq *key-press-hook* (lambda (key key-seq command-value)
(format nil "key pressed: ~S, ~S, ~S" key key-seq command-value)
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "quoteleft") "gcycle")
(lookup-key *top-map* (kbd "quoteleft"))
(lookup-command *top-map* "gcycle")
(type-of (kbd "quoteleft"))
(class-of (kbd "quoteleft"))
(car *group-cycle-stack*)
(string-equal *last-command* "gother")
;; (mapcan )
(merge-groups (find-group (current-screen) "www") (find-group (current-screen) "asd"))
(map 'list (lambda (g)
(list (format-expand *group-formatters* *group-format* g) g))
(screen-groups (current-screen)))
(get-command-structure "grouplist")
(format nil "~A ~&" "as" "asd")
(map nil
(lambda (i)
(message (format nil "defining ~A" i))
;; (define-key *top-map*
;; (kbd (format nil "s-F~A" i))
;; (format nil "gselect ~A" i))
(concatenate 'list (loop for i from 1 to 10
collect i) "-" "="))
;;; misc
;; reinitialize group names
(let* ((current-groups (sort-groups (current-screen))))
(reduce (lambda (idx name)
(let* ((g (nth idx current-groups)))
(setf (group-name g) name)
;; (setf (group-name g) (format nil "~D" idx))
(+ idx 1)
))) *default-groups* :initial-value 0))
;; ;; prompt the user for an interactive command. The first arg is an
;; ;; optional initial contents.
;; (defcommand colon1 (&optional (initial "")) (:rest)
;; (let ((cmd (read-one-line (current-screen) ": " :initial-input initial)))
;; (when cmd
;; (eval-command cmd t))))
;; ;; Message window font
;; (set-font "-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso8859-15")
;; ;;; Define window placement policy...
;; ;; Clear rules
;; (clear-window-placement-rules)
;; ;; Last rule to match takes precedence!
;; ;; TIP: if the argument to :title or :role begins with an ellipsis, a substring
;; ;; match is performed.
;; ;; TIP: if the :create flag is set then a missing group will be created and
;; ;; restored from *data-dir*/create file.
;; ;; TIP: if the :restore flag is set then group dump is restored even for an
;; ;; existing group using *data-dir*/restore file.
;; (define-frame-preference "Default"
;; ;; frame raise lock (lock AND raise == jumpto)
;; (0 t nil :class "Konqueror" :role "...konqueror-mainwindow")
;; (1 t nil :class "XTerm"))
;; (define-frame-preference "Ardour"
;; (0 t t :instance "ardour_editor" :type :normal)
;; (0 t t :title "Ardour - Session Control")
;; (0 nil nil :class "XTerm")
;; (1 t nil :type :normal)
;; (1 t t :instance "ardour_mixer")
;; (2 t t :instance "jvmetro")
;; (1 t t :instance "qjackctl")
;; (3 t t :instance "qjackctl" :role "qjackctlMainForm"))
;; (define-frame-preference "Shareland"
;; (0 t nil :class "XTerm")
;; (1 nil t :class "aMule"))
;; (define-frame-preference "Emacs"
;; (1 t t :restore "emacs-editing-dump" :title "...xdvi")
;; (0 t t :create "emacs-dump" :class "Emacs"))
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