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Created April 20, 2020 09:13
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import random
class Boat:
'''all ships are part of the boat class'''
def __init__(self, length):
'''chooses random location & direction for ship for a given length'''
# print('\n', 'ship size: ', length, sep='')
self.direction = random.randint(0, 3)
# print('direction:', self.direction)
self.length = length
self.locations = [] # all locations of this ship
for i in range(self.length): #iterates through all locations of each individual ship
if i == 0:
x = random.randint(0, 9)
y = random.randint(0, 9)
if self.direction == 0: # north (the y axis is reversed)
y = y - 1
elif self.direction == 1: # east
x = x + 1
elif self.direction == 2: # south (the y axis is reversed)
y = y + 1
elif self.direction == 3: # west
x = x - 1
self.locations.append([x, y])
# print(self.locations)
# self.check_if_ship_on_ocean()
if self.check_if_ship_on_ocean():
def check_if_ship_on_ocean(self):
'''returns True if the ship's location is on the ocean'''
for i in range(self.length):
x,y = self.locations[i]
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x > 9 or y > 9:
return False
# print('ship is located on the ocean')
return True
def print_to_ocean(self):
'''prints the ship's location on existing ocean'''
l = self.locations
for i in range(len(l)):
x = self.locations[i][0]
y = self.locations[i][1]
# print(x, y)
# if self.check_if_ship_on_ocean():
# Game.ocean[y][x] = 'X' # <-----------------------------
# if self.check_if_ship_on_ocean():
# Game.display(self)
def __str__ (self):
output = '\n'
output += 'ship size: ' + str(self.length)
output += '\n' + 'direction: ' + str(self.direction)
output += '\n' + 'ship is {}on ocean'.format('' if self.check_if_ship_on_ocean() else 'not ')
output += '\n' + str(self.locations)
return output
def check_if_ship_is_on_ship(ship):
'''returns True if ship's location is superposed on another existing ship'''
class Game:
'''generating the ocean'''
ocean = []
boats = []
def __init__(self):
EMPTY = '-'
row = []
# generating a row
for i in range (10):
# generating the ocean
for i in range (10):
Game.ocean[4][3] = 'Y'
# self.generate_ships()
def generate_ships(self):
'''generates all ships on ocean'''
for i in range(4, 1, -1): # iterates through all 3 different types of ships (4,3,2)
for j in range(5 - i): # iterates through all instances of each different ship size
def display(self):
'''printing the ocean'''
Game.ocean[0][0] = 'X'
Game.ocean[9][9] = 'X'
# print(Game.ocean[1][2]) # <-----------------------------
# print(Game.ocean[2][2]) # <-----------------------------
# print(Game.ocean) # <-----------------------------
print(' ', 'a ', 'b ', 'c ', 'd ', 'e ', 'f ', 'g ', 'h ', 'i ', 'j ')
for i in range (10):
print (i, Game.ocean[i])
def run(self):
while True:
x, y = self.ask()
if x is None:
print('Game over')
def ask(self):
'''asking for coordinates such as a0 or d4, if user wants to exit, ask() returns None'''
while True:
command = input('>>>')
if command.lower() in ['quit', 'exit']:
return None, None
if len(command) < 2:
print('bitte koordinaten eingeben, zb a4')
x, y = command[0], command[-1] # [-1] ist das letzte zeichen in einem string
if x.lower() not in 'abcdefghij' or y not in '0123456789':
print('bitte gültige koordinaten eingeben, zb a4 (a bis j und 0 bis 9)')
x = 'abcdefghij'.find(x.lower())
y = int(y)
print('your command (x, y) is', x, y)
return x, y
# display()
# generate_ships()
g = Game()
# ask()
# generate_ships()
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