# Set a default empty client_ip variable
set client_ip ""
# Check if X-Forwarded-For header exists and use the first IP in the list (if it exists)
if { [HTTP::header exists "X-Forwarded-For"] } {
set xff_header [HTTP::header "X-Forwarded-For"]
set client_ip [getfield $xff_header "," 1] ;# X-Forwarded-For may contain multiple IPs, so take the first one
# If CF-Connecting-IP header exists, use it to override client_ip
if { [HTTP::header exists "CF-Connecting-IP"] } {
set client_ip [HTTP::header "CF-Connecting-IP"]
# If neither X-Forwarded-For nor CF-Connecting-IP headers are available, use the client IP address
if { $client_ip == "" } {
set client_ip [IP::client_addr]
# Log the client IP for debugging purposes (optional)
log local0. "Client IP: $client_ip"
# Check if the client IP is in the blocked IP data group
if { [class match $client_ip equals cf-connecting-ip-deny] } {
# Log the blocking event (optional)
log local0. "Blocking request from $client_ip: [HTTP::uri]"
# Drop the request without sending a response
얄짤없이 drop.