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Palo Alto Firewall - Basic Setup and Upgrade Guide

Palo Alto Firewall - Basic Setup and Upgrade Guide

Palo Alto Networks의 방화벽에 대한 기본 설정 및 업그레이드 방법에 대해서 정리한다.
기본적인 사항은 모두 CLI 또는 GUI로 진행하며, Serial Console 접근은 LAN to USB를 통해 Rocky Linux에서 진행한다.

1. Serial Console 접근

1.1. 패키지 설치

[root@rockylinux ~]# dnf install -y minicom

1.2. dmesg 확인

[root@rockylinux ~]# dmesg | tail -n 3
[ 8439.816482] usb 3-2: Detected FT232R
[ 8439.816605] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to read latency timer: -32
[ 8439.816906] usb 3-2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

1.3. Minicom 설정

▶ Serial port setup
▶ A - Serial Device: /dev/ttyUSB0
▶ E - Bps/Par/Bits: 115200 8N1
[Comm Parameters]
▶ C: 9600
x A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyUSB0 ◀                           x
x                                                                       x
x C -   Callin Program      :                                           x
x D -  Callout Program      :                                           x
x E -    Bps/Par/Bits       : 9600 8N1 ◀                               x
x F - Hardware Flow Control : Yes                                       x
x G - Software Flow Control : No                                        x
x                                                                       x
x    Change which setting?                                              x
▶ Exit

[1]: What are the Serial Settings to Access Console Port?

2. 최초 관리자 암호 설정

기본 관리자 암호는 admin / admin이다.

pa login: admin
Password: admin
WARNING: Your password has expired. You must change your password now.
Enter old password: admin
Enter new password: change-your-password
Confirm new password: change-your-password

[2]: Why is the default administrator password (admin/admin) not working after upgrading to 9.0.4 or later?

3. 관리자 암호 변경 방법

2번 항목의 최초 관리자 암호를 설정 후 변경을 원하는 경우 재설정하는 방법이다.

admin@pa-3260> configure
Entering configuration mode
admin@pa-3260# set mgt-config users admin password
Enter password   : change-your-password
Confirm password : change-your-password
admin@pa-3260# commit
admin@pa-3260# exit

[3]: How to Create Management Users, Assign Roles, and Change Password from the PAN-OS CLI
[4]: From the CLI can I update other admin account passwords?

2. 공장 초기화(factory reset) 방법

admin@pa-3260> request system private-data-reset
Executing this command will remove all logs and configuration will revert back to factory defaults. The system will restart and then reset the data.

Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) (y or n) y

[5]: How to remove all logs and restore the default configuration

5. Management 설정

5.1. Static IP 설정

admin@pa-3260> configure
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system ip-address netmask default-gateway
admin@pa-3260# commit
admin@pa-3260# exit

5.2. Interface 확인

admin@pa-3260> show interface management
Name: Management Interface
Link status:
  Runtime link speed/duplex/state: 1000/full/up
  Configured link speed/duplex/state: auto/auto/auto
MAC address:
  Port MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Ip address:
Default gateway:

5.3. 관리용 서비스 허용

admin@pa-3260> configure
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system service disable-ssh yes
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system service disable-icmp yes
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system service disable-https yes
admin@pa-3260# commit
admin@pa-3260# exit

5.4. 방화벽 정책 설정

Management Interface에 Trust Zone에 추가하여 SSH, ICMP, HTTPS 관리용 서비스를 허용할 수 있도록 한다.
특정 IP 또는 특정 CIDR 내에서 허용 가능하다.

5.4.1. 특정 IP만 허용

admin@pa-3260> configure
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system permitted-ip
admin@pa-3260# commit
admin@pa-3260# exit

5.4.2 특정 CIDR만 허용

admin@pa-3260> configure
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system permitted-ip
admin@pa-3260# set deviceconfig system permitted-ip
admin@pa-3260# commit
admin@pa-3260# exit

5.4.3 모든 IP에서 허용(비권장)

admin@pa-3260> configure
admin@pa-3260# delete deviceconfig system permitted-ip
admin@pa-3260# commit
admin@pa-3260# exit

6. PAN-OS 업그레이드

Upgrade Path를 지키면서 진행한다.

6.1. 버전 확인

admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 10.1.14

6.2. 최신 버전 가져오기

admin@pa-3260> request system software check
Version               Size          Released on Downloaded
11.1.6-h3            808MB  2025/02/20 18:45:54         no
11.1.6-h1            771MB  2025/01/31 07:52:29         no
11.1.6               808MB  2024/12/05 09:46:05         no
11.1.5-h1            751MB  2024/11/16 05:28:11         no
11.1.5               755MB  2024/10/17 03:06:47         no
11.1.4-h7            706MB  2024/11/16 03:25:29         no
11.1.4               662MB  2024/06/27 08:16:49         no
11.1.4-h13           789MB  2025/02/20 06:59:49         no
11.1.4-h9            786MB  2024/12/12 12:59:58         no
11.1.4-h4            706MB  2024/10/03 06:56:39         no
11.1.4-h1            666MB  2024/08/07 22:19:59         no
11.1.3-h11           695MB  2024/11/16 05:17:43         no
11.1.3-h1            648MB  2024/06/06 07:15:09         no
11.1.3               648MB  2024/05/14 15:14:22         no
11.1.3-h13           759MB  2024/11/26 06:18:35         no
11.1.3-h10           652MB  2024/10/30 09:40:50         no
11.1.3-h6            652MB  2024/09/05 11:49:48         no
11.1.3-h4            695MB  2024/08/08 13:01:31         no
11.1.3-h2            652MB  2024/07/18 08:43:59         no
11.1.2-h18           623MB  2025/02/18 10:47:01         no
11.1.2               511MB  2024/02/25 22:54:14         no
11.1.2-h16           623MB  2024/12/04 01:14:00         no
11.1.2-h15           619MB  2024/11/16 05:12:42         no
11.1.2-h14           511MB  2024/10/24 06:48:17         no
11.1.2-h12           511MB  2024/09/05 09:07:18         no
11.1.2-h9            515MB  2024/07/31 08:34:35         no
11.1.2-h4            511MB  2024/05/09 05:24:22         no
11.1.2-h3            511MB  2024/04/14 08:08:51         no
11.1.2-h1            511MB  2024/03/13 07:07:40         no
11.1.1-h2            515MB  2024/11/17 04:47:05         no
11.1.1               504MB  2023/12/26 10:11:19         no
11.1.1-h1            511MB  2024/04/16 06:17:07         no
11.1.0-h4            265MB  2024/11/16 05:11:55         no
11.1.0-h3            353MB  2024/04/16 08:52:33         no
11.1.0-h2            347MB  2024/01/07 16:55:20         no
11.1.0              1220MB  2023/11/02 12:01:35         no
11.0.6               703MB  2024/10/07 05:54:58         no
11.0.6-h1            703MB  2024/11/17 06:12:43         no
11.0.5-h2            708MB  2024/11/17 06:01:51         no
11.0.5               688MB  2024/06/21 08:32:52         no
11.0.5-h1            688MB  2024/08/07 12:36:17         no
11.0.4               679MB  2024/04/08 12:29:15         no
11.0.4-h6            684MB  2024/11/17 05:00:27         no
11.0.4-h5            684MB  2024/08/05 07:20:18         no
11.0.4-h2            679MB  2024/04/17 00:20:14         no
11.0.4-h1            679MB  2024/04/14 08:43:07         no
11.0.3               548MB  2023/11/06 10:02:03         no
11.0.3-h13           552MB  2024/11/16 15:05:02         no
11.0.3-h12           548MB  2024/05/16 12:18:49         no
11.0.3-h10           548MB  2024/04/16 06:48:58         no
11.0.3-h5            548MB  2024/02/22 08:13:45         no
11.0.3-h3            548MB  2024/01/15 03:40:45         no
11.0.2-h5            591MB  2024/11/16 13:14:44         no
11.0.2-h2            520MB  2023/09/21 12:00:39         no
11.0.2-h1            520MB  2023/08/16 14:25:38         no
11.0.2               520MB  2023/06/28 10:13:28         no
11.0.2-h4            520MB  2024/04/16 03:18:22         no
11.0.2-h3            520MB  2024/01/10 12:21:44         no
11.0.1               239MB  2023/03/29 15:05:37         no
11.0.1-h5            538MB  2024/11/16 12:23:55         no
11.0.1-h4            239MB  2024/04/18 09:29:58         no
11.0.1-h3            239MB  2024/01/06 14:50:11         no
11.0.1-h2            239MB  2023/05/30 11:10:59         no
11.0.0-h3            311MB  2024/04/18 09:04:02         no
11.0.0-h1            305MB  2023/11/06 17:10:18         no
11.0.0              1099MB  2022/11/17 04:46:11         no
11.0.0-h4            213MB  2024/11/16 10:53:35         no
11.0.0-h2            305MB  2023/12/28 09:47:38         no
10.2.13-h2           835MB  2024/12/27 07:10:06         no
10.2.13              835MB  2024/12/12 06:14:39         no
10.2.13-h5           855MB  2025/02/28 16:36:58         no
10.2.13-h4           835MB  2025/02/14 14:14:30         no
10.2.13-h3           831MB  2025/01/30 05:50:21         no
10.2.13-h1           835MB  2024/12/20 11:26:28         no
10.2.12-h6           829MB  2025/02/14 16:11:22         no
10.2.12-h3           833MB  2024/12/20 11:24:15         no
10.2.12-h1           833MB  2024/10/24 10:25:34         no
10.2.12              833MB  2024/09/30 13:01:33         no
10.2.12-h4           853MB  2024/12/30 05:07:32         no
10.2.12-h2           853MB  2024/11/15 03:55:25         no
10.2.11-h10          832MB  2024/12/27 07:08:13         no
10.2.11-h9           828MB  2024/12/19 13:08:10         no
10.2.11-h4           852MB  2024/10/20 17:26:35         no
10.2.11              852MB  2024/08/12 06:31:27         no
10.2.11-h13          832MB  2025/02/28 12:46:00         no
10.2.11-h12          852MB  2025/02/18 08:50:41         no
10.2.11-h6           852MB  2024/11/15 08:00:34         no
10.2.11-h3           832MB  2024/09/30 13:55:07         no
10.2.11-h2           828MB  2024/09/12 08:02:52         no
10.2.11-h1           832MB  2024/08/29 08:54:37         no
10.2.10-h14          875MB  2025/02/18 10:21:16         no
10.2.10-h10          829MB  2024/12/06 08:22:04         no
10.2.10-h9           833MB  2024/11/15 04:01:50         no
10.2.10              808MB  2024/06/24 12:40:13         no
10.2.10-h12          809MB  2024/12/26 05:00:04         no
10.2.10-h7           812MB  2024/10/11 01:56:35         no
10.2.10-h5           834MB  2024/09/24 07:46:39         no
10.2.10-h4           812MB  2024/08/28 09:18:23         no
10.2.10-h3           812MB  2024/07/31 09:20:52         no
10.2.10-h2           833MB  2024/07/16 10:51:05         no
10.2.9               806MB  2024/04/01 12:56:05         no
10.2.9-h21           831MB  2025/02/13 12:12:28         no
10.2.9-h19           810MB  2024/12/26 07:54:08         no
10.2.9-h18           831MB  2024/12/19 10:42:21         no
10.2.9-h16           831MB  2024/11/15 03:44:27         no
10.2.9-h14           831MB  2024/10/20 16:58:27         no
10.2.9-h11           810MB  2024/08/29 07:52:51         no
10.2.9-h9            831MB  2024/08/01 10:31:41         no
10.2.9-h1            806MB  2024/04/14 04:43:03         no
10.2.8-h19           810MB  2024/12/27 06:54:33         no
10.2.8-h15           830MB  2024/11/15 08:08:25         no
10.2.8-h10           806MB  2024/08/27 10:32:43         no
10.2.8               803MB  2024/02/12 13:02:43         no
10.2.8-h21           810MB  2025/02/13 12:11:19         no
10.2.8-h18           810MB  2024/12/19 08:02:08         no
10.2.8-h13           810MB  2024/10/20 16:35:50         no
10.2.8-h4            805MB  2024/05/15 10:59:30         no
10.2.8-h3            803MB  2024/04/15 04:52:35         no
10.2.7-h24           817MB  2025/02/13 12:10:51         no
10.2.7-h19           748MB  2024/12/05 10:46:29         no
10.2.7-h18           815MB  2024/11/15 08:07:54         no
10.2.7               716MB  2023/11/09 07:06:42         no
10.2.7-h21           748MB  2024/12/20 05:02:17         no
10.2.7-h16           815MB  2024/10/20 18:31:36         no
10.2.7-h12           815MB  2024/08/29 06:58:29         no
10.2.7-h8            744MB  2024/04/15 06:37:08         no
10.2.7-h6            744MB  2024/03/04 07:32:31         no
10.2.7-h3            744MB  2023/12/18 07:45:15         no
10.2.6-h6            721MB  2024/11/17 03:09:30         no
10.2.6-h3            716MB  2024/04/16 05:14:53         no
10.2.6-h1            716MB  2024/01/04 11:28:49         no
10.2.6               716MB  2023/09/27 08:55:44         no
10.2.5-h9            825MB  2024/11/15 08:29:44         no
10.2.5-h6            726MB  2024/04/16 09:50:31         no
10.2.5               726MB  2023/08/17 08:41:14         no
10.2.4-h32           727MB  2024/11/15 08:31:26         no
10.2.4-h16           722MB  2024/04/18 02:34:42         no
10.2.4-h10           722MB  2024/01/02 17:08:44         no
10.2.4-h4            722MB  2023/07/27 11:02:13         no
10.2.4               669MB  2023/03/30 09:26:11         no
10.2.4-h3            722MB  2023/07/05 09:58:29         no
10.2.4-h2            669MB  2023/05/16 12:19:57         no
10.2.3               299MB  2022/09/29 11:26:56         no
10.2.3-h14           502MB  2024/11/15 08:31:39         no
10.2.3-h13           502MB  2024/04/18 04:03:33         no
10.2.3-h12           502MB  2024/02/27 12:06:11         no
10.2.3-h11           506MB  2024/01/02 10:46:54         no
10.2.3-h9            506MB  2023/11/07 03:33:34         no
10.2.3-h4            299MB  2023/02/13 14:50:57         no
10.2.3-h2            299MB  2022/12/13 10:27:23         no
10.2.2-h6            579MB  2024/11/15 03:33:56         no
10.2.2-h5            279MB  2024/04/18 02:16:44         no
10.2.2-h4            279MB  2024/01/04 07:59:28         no
10.2.2-h2            279MB  2022/08/18 09:06:33         no
10.2.2               279MB  2022/06/07 10:22:04         no
10.2.1               271MB  2022/04/18 13:10:59         no
10.2.1-h3            276MB  2024/11/15 20:21:22         no
10.2.1-h2            271MB  2024/04/18 06:40:02         no
10.2.1-h1            271MB  2024/01/03 20:02:55         no
10.2.0              1113MB  2022/02/27 11:32:30         no
10.2.0-h4            322MB  2024/11/15 19:41:25         no
10.2.0-h3            318MB  2024/04/18 05:29:52         no
10.2.0-h2            312MB  2024/01/04 15:23:18         no
10.1.14              589MB  2024/05/30 14:47:45        yes

6.3. 버전 다운로드

GUI에서 Device -> Software에서 Preferred Releases와 Base Releases를 선택해서 안정화(stable) 버전을 기준으로 다운로드한다.

  • Step 1
admin@pa-3260> request system software download version 10.2.0
admin@pa-3260> request system software download version 10.2.10-h9
  • Step 2
admin@pa-3260> request system software download version 11.0.0
admin@pa-3260> request system software download version 11.0.4-h6
  • Step 3
admin@pa-3260> request system software download version 11.1.0
admin@pa-3260> request system software download version 11.1.6-h3

Palo Alto - Software lists(base,preferred)

6.4. 버전 업그레이드

6.4.1. Step 1 진행

# Upgrade: 10.1.14 -> 10.2.0
admin@pa-3260> request system software install version 10.2.0
Executing this command will install a new version of software. It will not take effect until system is restarted. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y
Software install job enqueued with jobid 2. Run 'show jobs id 2' to monitor its status. Please reboot the device after the installation is done.

# Show jobs
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 20:49:15   20:49:15            2                         SWInstall                            FIN     OK 20:53:36

Details:Software installation successfully completed. Please reboot to switch to the new version.

# Reboot
admin@pa-3260> request restart system
Executing this command will disconnect the current session. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y

# Check version
admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 10.2.0

# Upgrade: 10.2.0 -> 10.2.10-h9
admin@pa-3260> request system software install version 10.2.10-h9
Executing this command will install a new version of software. It will not take effect until system is restarted. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y
Software install job enqueued with jobid 2. Run 'show jobs id 2' to monitor its status. Please reboot the device after the installation is done.

# Show jobs
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 21:10:15   21:10:15            2                         SWInstall                            FIN     OK 21:14:36

Details:Software installation successfully completed. Please reboot to switch to the new version.

# Check version
admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 10.2.10-h9

6.4.2. Step 2 진행

# Upgrade: 10.2.10-h9 -> 11.0.0
admin@pa-3260> request system software install version 11.0.0
Executing this command will install a new version of software. It will not take effect until system is restarted. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y
Software install job enqueued with jobid 2. Run 'show jobs id 2' to monitor its status. Please reboot the device after the installation is done.

# Show jobs
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 21:20:15   21:20:15            2                         SWInstall                            FIN     OK 21:24:36

Details:Software installation successfully completed. Please reboot to switch to the new version.

# Reboot
admin@pa-3260> request restart system
Executing this command will disconnect the current session. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y

# Check version
admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 11.0.0

# Upgrade: 11.0.0 -> 11.0.4-h6
admin@pa-3260> request system software install version 11.0.4-h6
Executing this command will install a new version of software. It will not take effect until system is restarted. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y
Software install job enqueued with jobid 2. Run 'show jobs id 2' to monitor its status. Please reboot the device after the installation is done.

# Show jobs
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 21:30:15   21:30:15            2                         SWInstall                            FIN     OK 21:34:36

Details:Software installation successfully completed. Please reboot to switch to the new version.

# Check version
admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 11.0.4-h6

6.4.3. Step 3 진행

# Upgrade: 11.0.4-h6 -> 11.1.0
admin@pa-3260> request system software install version 11.1.0
Executing this command will install a new version of software. It will not take effect until system is restarted. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y
Software install job enqueued with jobid 2. Run 'show jobs id 2' to monitor its status. Please reboot the device after the installation is done.

# Show jobs
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 21:40:15   21:40:15            2                         SWInstall                            FIN     OK 21:44:36

Details:Software installation successfully completed. Please reboot to switch to the new version.

# Reboot
admin@pa-3260> request restart system
Executing this command will disconnect the current session. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y

# Check version
admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 11.1.0

# Upgrade: 11.1.0 -> 11.1.6-h3
admin@pa-3260> request system software install version 11.1.6-h3
Executing this command will install a new version of software. It will not take effect until system is restarted. Do you want to continue? (y or n) y
Software install job enqueued with jobid 2. Run 'show jobs id 2' to monitor its status. Please reboot the device after the installation is done.

# Show jobs
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 22:00:15   22:00:15            2                         SWInstall                            FIN     OK 22:04:36

Details:Software installation successfully completed. Please reboot to switch to the new version.

# Check version
admin@pa-3260> show system info | match sw-version
sw-version: 11.1.6-h3

[6]: Identifying Preferred/Recommended PAN-OS Versions
[7]: How to View and Install PAN-OS Software through the CLI
[8]: Use CLI Commands for Upgrade Tasks

6.4.4. Content version 업그레이드

업그레이드시 발생할 수 있으므로 최신 버전으로 업그레이드가 필요하다.

- PANOS 업그레이드시 실패 발생

Content 버전의 요구 사항을 충족하지 못함.

admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 2
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 22:31:05   22:31:05            2                         SWInstall                            FIN   FAIL 22:35:00

Details:Failed to install 10.2.10-h9 with the following errors.
SW version is 10.2.10-h9
Nothing pending to cancel
Error: Upgrading from 10.2.0 to 10.2.10-h9 requires a content version of 8614 or greater and found 8552-7333.

Failed to install   version  10.2.10-h9  type  panos

- Content 최신 버전으로 다운로드

admin@pa-3260> request content upgrade download latest
admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 5
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 22:40:05   22:40:05            5                            Downld                            FIN     OK 22:40:17

Details:File successfully downloaded

- Content 최신 버전 확인(8949-9297)

admin@pa-3260> request content upgrade check
Version               Size              Released on Downloaded  Installed
8942-9262            100MB  2025/02/12 07:23:02 KST         no         no
8947-9281            100MB  2025/02/21 06:55:21 KST        yes         no
8939-9248            100MB  2025/02/01 00:29:51 KST         no         no
8945-9271            100MB  2025/02/15 13:22:25 KST         no         no
8941-9260            100MB  2025/02/11 03:10:10 KST         no         no
8949-9297            100MB  2025/02/28 02:55:39 KST        yes         no
8943-9264            100MB  2025/02/13 03:31:11 KST         no         no
8940-9250            100MB  2025/02/04 07:49:41 KST         no         no
8948-9284            100MB  2025/02/25 04:59:36 KST         no         no
8946-9276            100MB  2025/02/19 09:28:24 KST         no         no

- Content 최신 버전 설치

admin@pa-3260> request content upgrade install version latest
Content install job enqueued with jobid 6

admin@pa-3260> show jobs id 6
Enqueued              Dequeued           ID                              Type                         Status Result Completed
2025/03/01 22:44:23   22:44:23            6                           Content                            ACT   PEND        59%


[9]: Content Version Error Upgrading Major Platform OS with an Older Content Database


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