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Last active January 16, 2025 09:19
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Converts a JSON schema to C# POCO classes
class Program
private const string Cyrillic = "Cyrillic";
private const string Nullable = "?";
static void Main()
string schemaText;
using (var r = new StreamReader("schema.txt"))
schemaText = r.ReadToEnd();
var jsonSchema = JsonSchema.Parse(schemaText);
if (jsonSchema != null)
var sb = ConvertJsonSchemaToPocos(jsonSchema);
var code = sb.ToString();
//do something with code
private static StringBuilder ConvertJsonSchemaToPocos(JsonSchema schema)
if(schema.Type == null)
throw new Exception("Schema does not specify a type.");
var sb = new StringBuilder();
switch (schema.Type)
case JsonSchemaType.Object:
case JsonSchemaType.Array:
foreach (var item in schema.Items.Where(x => x.Type.HasValue && x.Type == JsonSchemaType.Object))
return sb;
private static StringBuilder ConvertJsonSchemaObjectToPoco(JsonSchema schema)
string className;
return ConvertJsonSchemaObjectToPoco(schema, out className);
private static StringBuilder ConvertJsonSchemaObjectToPoco(JsonSchema schema, out string className)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("public class ");
//if(schema.Title != null)
// className = GenerateSlug(schema.Title);
className = String.Format("Poco_{0}",Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty));
sb.AppendLine(" {");
foreach (var item in schema.Properties)
sb.Append("public ");
sb.Append(GetClrType(item.Value, sb));
sb.Append(" ");
sb.AppendLine(" { get; set; }");
return sb;
private static string GenerateSlug(string phrase)
var str = RemoveAccent(phrase);
str = Regex.Replace(str, @"[^a-zA-Z\s-]", ""); // invalid chars
str = Regex.Replace(str, @"\s+", " ").Trim(); // convert multiple spaces into one space, trim
str = Regex.Replace(str, @"\s", "_"); // convert spaces to underscores
return str;
private static string RemoveAccent(string txt)
var bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding(Cyrillic).GetBytes(txt);
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
private static string GetClrType(JsonSchema jsonSchema, StringBuilder sb)
switch (jsonSchema.Type)
case JsonSchemaType.Array:
if(jsonSchema.Items.Count == 0)
return "IEnumerable<object>";
if (jsonSchema.Items.Count == 1)
return String.Format("IEnumerable<{0}>", GetClrType(jsonSchema.Items.First(), sb));
throw new Exception("Not sure what type this will be.");
case JsonSchemaType.Boolean:
return String.Format("bool{0}", jsonSchema.Required.HasValue && jsonSchema.Required.Value ? string.Empty : Nullable);
case JsonSchemaType.Float:
return String.Format("float{0}", jsonSchema.Required.HasValue && jsonSchema.Required.Value ? string.Empty : Nullable);
case JsonSchemaType.Integer:
return String.Format("int{0}", jsonSchema.Required.HasValue && jsonSchema.Required.Value ? string.Empty : Nullable);
case JsonSchemaType.String:
return "string";
case JsonSchemaType.Object:
string className;
sb.Insert(0, ConvertJsonSchemaObjectToPoco(jsonSchema, out className));
return className;
case JsonSchemaType.None:
case JsonSchemaType.Null:
return "object";
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JSON schema real world samples ?

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