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Last active December 29, 2016 13:01
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from random import randint
def find_components(raw_array, value):
~O(n) find first combination in `new_array` which sum equal `value`.
# remove from array all values grand then needed value
array = list(filter(lambda x: x <= value, raw_array))
# keep only unique values
array = list(set(array))
# sort big to small
array = sorted(array, reverse=True)
for number in array:
if number == value:
return [number]
# remove number from array, because if does not exists combinations
# with him, then we don't need recombinate it in other cycle
# get remainder value
diff = value - number
# copy remainder array
_copy = list(array)
# find in remainder array other summ components for that number
sub_components = find_components(_copy, diff)
if sub_components:
return [number] + sub_components
return []
arr = map(lambda x: randint(1, 10000), range(0, 1000))
need = randint(1, 20000)
need_combinations = find_components(list(arr), need)
if need_combinations:
msg = "for number {} founded combination {} with summ {}"
print(msg.format(need, need_combinations, sum(need_combinations)))
print("does not have combinations")
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