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Last active February 16, 2021 13:23
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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Oneman.DI;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace Oneman
public class TeseHelper
public static Dictionary<Type, Object> Cache = new Dictionary<Type, Object>();
private static Dictionary<Type, bool> CacheWIP = new Dictionary<Type, bool>();
public static async UniTask<Object> FindOne(Type t)
while (CacheWIP.ContainsKey(t))
await UniTask.Delay(10);
if (!Cache.ContainsKey(t))
CacheWIP.Add(t, true);
Object obj = Object.FindObjectOfType(t, true);
Cache[t] = obj;
return Cache.ContainsKey(t) ? Cache[t] : null;
public class TeseBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public bool IsInitializedTese;
public async void Start() {
Type t = GetType();
TeseHelper.Cache[t] = this;
await InjectDependencies();
private bool _injected = false;
private bool _injectWIP = false;
public bool IsInjected()
return _injected;
public async UniTask InjectDependencies()
if (_injected) return;
_injectWIP = true;
int triesToResolve = 200;
int delay = 5;
TypeInfo typeInfo = GetType().GetTypeInfo();
List<FieldInfo> injected = new List<FieldInfo>();
foreach (var field in typeInfo.GetFields(FieldsLookup))
var attr = field.GetCustomAttribute<Inject>();
if (attr != null)
Type t = field.FieldType;
Object obj = null;
while (obj == null && triesToResolve > 0)
await UniTask.Delay(delay);
obj = await TeseHelper.FindOne(t);
if (obj != null)
field.SetValue(this, obj);
_injected = true;
_injectWIP = false;
void CallStart() {
if (IsInitializedTese) return;
IsInitializedTese = true;
public virtual async UniTask OnStart() {}
private const BindingFlags FieldsLookup =
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
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