Retrieve agency
Route: /api/v2/financial_balances/agencies/?fiscal_year=2017&funding_agency_id=246
Method: GET
This route sends a request to the backend to retrieve an agency.
fiscal_year: fiscal year in question funding_agency_id: agency db id
"budget_authority_amount": "46564455029.68",
"total_budget_authority_amount: "3860000000.00",
"obligated_amount": "17839104086.11",
"outlay_amount": "19368986358.21"
RESULT VARS (all values are returned as STRINGS or NONE)
- budget_authority_amount: Uses all the AppropriationAccountBalances rows that contain a submission in the fiscal year provided, and have a top tier agency that corisponds to the funding agencies top tier agency. The code sums the AppropriationAccountBalances rows' budget_authority_available_amount_total_cpe var.
- total_budget_authority_amount: returns the fiscal years total budget athority
- obligated_amount: Gets AppropriationAccountBalences rows the same as above, but sums thier obligations_incurred_total_by_tas_cpe var
- outlay_amount: Gets AppropriationAccountBalences rows the same as above, but sums thier gross_outlay_amount_by_tas_cpe var
ERRORS if funding_agency_id does not exist or agency has no corrisponding AppropriationAccountBalances, a response of 'results': {}