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Created September 10, 2016 21:29
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Use Zapier to Send a Slack Message
#' Send a message to Slack
#' To use, set options(zapier_slack_webhook="yourZapierPostWebhookHere")
#' @param message
#' @param channel
#' @param bot_name
#' @param bot_icon_url
#' @param image_url
#' @param emoji
#' @return
#' @export
send_slack_message <- function(
message = "",
channel = "#testing",
bot_name = NULL,
bot_icon_url = NULL,
image_url = NULL,
emoji = NULL
) {
url = getOption('zapier_slack_webhook'),
body = list(
message = message,
channel = channel,
bot_name = bot_name,
bot_icon_url = bot_icon_url,
image_url = image_url,
emoji = emoji),
encode = "json")
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