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Last active April 24, 2019 08:18
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Save russorat/6879806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a version of the Find Anomalies in You Account script found here:
function Anomalies() {
* Find the Anomalies
* Created By: Russ Savage
* Version: 1.2
* Changelog v1.2
* - Fixed divide by 0 errors
* Changelog v1.1
* - Added ability to tag ad anomalies as well
var TO = [''];
this.main = function() {
// This will add labels to and send emails about adgroups, keywords and ads. Remove any if you like.
var levels_to_tag = ['adgroup','keyword','ad'];
for(var x in levels_to_tag) {
var report = getContentRows(levels_to_tag[x]);
var entity_map = buildEntityMap(levels_to_tag[x]);
for(var parent_id in entity_map) {
var child_list = entity_map[parent_id];
var stats_list = Object.keys(child_list[0].stats);
for(var i in stats_list) {
var mean = getMean(child_list,stats_list[i]);
var stand_dev = getStandardDev(child_list,mean,stats_list[i]);
var label_name = stats_list[i]+"_anomaly";
report += addLabelToAnomalies(child_list,mean,stand_dev,stats_list[i],label_name,levels_to_tag[x]);
//Takes a report and the level of reporting and sends and email
//with the report as an attachment.
function sendResultsViaEmail(report,level) {
var rows = report.match(/\n/g).length - 1;
if(rows == 0) { return; }
var options = { attachments: [Utilities.newBlob(report, 'text/csv', level+"_anomalies_"+_getDateString()+'.csv')] };
var email_body = "There are " + rows + " " + level + "s that have abnormal performance. See attachment for details.";
var subject = 'Abnormal ' + _initCap(level) + ' Entities Report - ' + _getDateString();
for(var i in TO) {
MailApp.sendEmail(TO[i], subject, email_body, options);
//Helper function to return a single row of the report formatted correctly
function toReportRow(entity,level,label_name) {
var ret_val = [AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(),
ret_val.push( (level == 'adgroup') ? entity.getName() : entity.getAdGroup().getName() );
if(level == 'keyword') {
ret_val = ret_val.concat([entity.getText(),entity.getMatchType()]);
} else if(level == 'ad') {
ret_val = ret_val.concat([entity.getHeadline(),entity.getDescription1(),entity.getDescription2(),entity.getDisplayUrl()]);
return '"' + ret_val.join('","') + '"\n';
//Helper function to return the column headings for the report
function getContentRows(level) {
var ret_val = ['AccountId','CampaignName','AdGroupName'];
if(level == 'keyword') {
ret_val = ret_val.concat(['KeywordText','MatchType']);
} else if(level == 'ad') {
ret_val = ret_val.concat(['Headline','Description1','Description2','DisplayUrl']);
return '"' + ret_val.join('","') + '"\n';
//Function to add the labels to the entities based on the standard deviation and mean.
//It returns a csv formatted string for reporting
function addLabelToAnomalies(entites,mean,sd,stat_key,label_name,level) {
var report = '';
for(var i in entites) {
var entity = entites[i]['entity'];
var deviation = Math.abs(entites[i]['stats'][stat_key] - mean);
if(sd != 0 && deviation/sd >= STANDARD_DEVIATIONS) {
report += toReportRow(entity,level,label_name);
} else {
return report;
//This is a helper function to create the label if it does not already exist
function createLabelIfNeeded(name) {
if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+name+"'").get().hasNext()) {
//This function returns the standard deviation for a set of entities
//The stat key determines which stat to calculate it for
function getStandardDev(entites,mean,stat_key) {
var total = 0;
for(var i in entites) {
total += Math.pow(entites[i]['stats'][stat_key] - mean,2);
if(Math.sqrt(entites.length-1) == 0) {
return 0;
return round(Math.sqrt(total)/Math.sqrt(entites.length-1));
//Returns the mean (average) for the set of entities
//Again, stat key determines which stat to calculate this for
function getMean(entites,stat_key) {
var total = 0;
for(var i in entites) {
total += entites[i]['stats'][stat_key];
if(entites.length == 0) {
return 0;
return round(total/entites.length);
//This function returns a map of the entities that I am processing.
//The format for the map can be found on the first line.
//It is meant to work on AdGroups and Keywords
function buildEntityMap(entity_type) {
var map = {}; // { parent_id : [ { entity : entity, stats : entity_stats } ], ... }
var iter = getIterator(entity_type);
while(iter.hasNext()) {
var entity =;
var stats = entity.getStatsFor(DATE_RANGE);
var stats_map = getStatsMap(stats);
var parent_id = getParentId(entity_type,entity);
if(map[parent_id]) {
map[parent_id].push({entity : entity, stats : stats_map});
} else {
map[parent_id] = [{entity : entity, stats : stats_map}];
return map;
//Given an entity type (adgroup or keyword) this will return the parent id
function getParentId(entity_type,entity) {
switch(entity_type) {
case 'adgroup' :
return entity.getCampaign().getId();
case 'keyword':
return entity.getAdGroup().getId();
case 'ad':
return entity.getAdGroup().getId();
//Given an entity type this will return the iterator for that.
function getIterator(entity_type) {
switch(entity_type) {
case 'adgroup' :
return AdWordsApp.adGroups().forDateRange(DATE_RANGE).withCondition("Impressions > 0").get();
case 'keyword' :
return AdWordsApp.keywords().forDateRange(DATE_RANGE).withCondition("Impressions > 0").get();
case 'ad' :
return"Impressions > 0").get();
//This returns a map of all the stats for a given entity.
//You can comment out the things you don't really care about.
function getStatsMap(stats) {
return { // You can comment these out as needed.
avg_cpc : stats.getAverageCpc(),
avg_cpm : stats.getAverageCpm(),
avg_pv : stats.getAveragePageviews(),
avg_pos : stats.getAveragePosition(),
avg_tos : stats.getAverageTimeOnSite(),
bounce : stats.getBounceRate(),
clicks : stats.getClicks(),
cv : stats.getConversionRate(),
conv : stats.getConversions(),
cost : stats.getCost(),
ctr : stats.getCtr(),
imps : stats.getImpressions()
//Helper function to format todays date
function _getDateString() {
return Utilities.formatDate((new Date()), AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
//Helper function to capitalize the first letter of a string.
function _initCap(str) {
return str.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
// A helper function to make rounding a little easier
function round(value) {
var decimals = Math.pow(10,DECIMAL_PLACES);
return Math.round(value*decimals)/decimals;
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