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Created February 28, 2022 12:16
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Code shared from the Rust Playground
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ops::Deref;
pub enum Value<'a> {
Str(Cow<'a, str>),
pub struct ExecutionContext<'e> {
value: Option<Value<'e>>,
trait HasExecutionContext<'a> {
type ExecutionContext: Deref<Target = ExecutionContext<'a>> + 'a;
type ExecutionContextOf<'a, T> = <T as HasExecutionContext<'a>>::ExecutionContext;
trait BooleanOperationWithGat: for<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a> {
fn execute<'e>(&self, ctx: ExecutionContextOf<'e, Self>) -> bool;
trait ValueOperationWithGat: for<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a> {
fn execute<'e: 'e>(&self, ctx: ExecutionContextOf<'e, Self>) -> Value<'e>;
enum ValueExpr {
enum ComparisonExpr {
StrEq { lhs: ValueExpr, rhs: String },
enum FunctionCallExpr {
trait Compiler: for<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a> {
type BooleanOperation: BooleanOperationWithGat
+ for<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a, ExecutionContext = ExecutionContextOf<'a, Self>>;
type ValueOperation: ValueOperationWithGat
+ for<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a, ExecutionContext = ExecutionContextOf<'a, Self>>;
fn compile_comparison_expr(
&mut self,
comparison_expr: ComparisonExpr,
) -> Self::BooleanOperation;
fn compile_function_call_expr(
&mut self,
function_call_expr: FunctionCallExpr,
) -> Self::ValueOperation;
impl<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a> for Box<dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e ExecutionContext<'e>) -> bool> {
type ExecutionContext = &'a ExecutionContext<'a>;
impl BooleanOperationWithGat for Box<dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e ExecutionContext<'e>) -> bool> {
fn execute<'e>(&self, ctx: ExecutionContextOf<'e, Self>) -> bool {
impl<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a> for Box<dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e ExecutionContext<'e>) -> Value<'e>> {
type ExecutionContext = &'a ExecutionContext<'a>;
impl ValueOperationWithGat for Box<dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e ExecutionContext<'e>) -> Value<'e>> {
// the 'e: 'e works around a compiler bug
fn execute<'e: 'e>(&self, ctx: ExecutionContextOf<'e, Self>) -> Value<'e> {
struct DefaultCompiler;
impl<'a> HasExecutionContext<'a> for DefaultCompiler {
type ExecutionContext = &'a ExecutionContext<'a>;
impl Compiler for DefaultCompiler {
type BooleanOperation = Box<dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e ExecutionContext<'e>) -> bool>;
type ValueOperation = Box<dyn for<'e> Fn(&'e ExecutionContext<'e>) -> Value<'e>>;
fn compile_comparison_expr(
&mut self,
comparison_expr: ComparisonExpr,
) -> Self::BooleanOperation {
match comparison_expr {
ComparisonExpr::StrEq { lhs, rhs } => {
match lhs {
ValueExpr::Value => Box::new(move |ctx: &ExecutionContext<'_>| {
match ctx.value.as_ref().unwrap() {
Value::Str(left) => &rhs == left,
Value::Int(_) => unreachable!(),
ValueExpr::FunctionCall(function_call_expr) => {
let call = self.compile_function_call_expr(function_call_expr);
Box::new(move |ctx: &ExecutionContext<'_>| match call.execute(ctx) {
Value::Str(left) => &rhs == &left,
Value::Int(_) => unreachable!(),
fn compile_function_call_expr(
&mut self,
function_call_expr: FunctionCallExpr,
) -> Self::ValueOperation {
match function_call_expr {
FunctionCallExpr::Lowercase => {
move |ctx: &ExecutionContext<'_>| match ctx.value.as_ref().unwrap() {
Value::Str(left) => Value::Str(left.to_ascii_lowercase().into()),
Value::Int(_) => unreachable!(),
fn main() {
let comp = ComparisonExpr::StrEq {
lhs: ValueExpr::FunctionCall(FunctionCallExpr::Lowercase),
rhs: String::from("test"),
let mut compiler = DefaultCompiler;
let pred = compiler.compile_comparison_expr(comp);
let ctx = ExecutionContext {
value: Some(Value::Str("Test".into())),
println!("{}", pred.execute(&ctx));
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