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Forked from pedramamini/
Created March 27, 2024 21:39
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Multiplex the stdout from a command as the stdin to numerous commands, collect the outputs under command headings in markdown format.
# Pedram Amini
run_command() {
local cmd="$1"
local input_file="$2"
local output_file="$3"
echo "# $cmd"
fabric --pattern "$cmd" < "$input_file"
echo # Add an empty line after each command's output
} > "$output_file"
multiplex() {
local tmpfile=$(mktemp) # Temporary file for input
local output_files=() # Array to hold temporary files for outputs
cat > "$tmpfile" # Save the stdin to the temporary file
for cmd in "$@"; do
local output_file=$(mktemp) # Create a temporary file for this command's output
output_files+=("$output_file") # Store the output file in the array
run_command "$cmd" "$tmpfile" "$output_file" &
wait # Wait for all commands to complete
# Concatenate and display the outputs in the correct order
for output_file in "${output_files[@]}"; do
cat "$output_file"
rm "$output_file" # Clean up the output file
rm "$tmpfile" # Clean up the input temporary file
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 command1 [command2 ...]"
exit 1
multiplex "$@"
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