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Created September 26, 2011 16:04
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CreateUserLion fix for ARD
# Payload free package to create a user on a 10.7 system.
import sys
import os
import re
import time
import subprocess
from Foundation import *
TARGET_DIR = sys.argv[3]
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "Contents", "Resources")
DEFAULT_PICTURE = "/Library/User Pictures/Fun/Smack.tif"
DEFAULT_SHELL = "/bin/bash"
DEFAULT_HOME = "/Users/%u"
# FIXME: Remove dotdict and use standard notation.
class dotdict(dict):
"""Dot notation dictionary access."""
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self[attr]
__setattr__= dict.__setitem__
__delattr__= dict.__delitem__
class CLUError(Exception):
"""Exception class for Create Lion User."""
def dscl(*args):
"""Execute dscl command on the target volume's local node.
This is a convenience function to execute dscl commands using the
following template:
TARGET/usr/bin/dscl -f TARGET/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default localonly <arg1> <arg2> <...>
dscl("-search", "/Local/Target/Users", "UniqueID", "501")
dscl("-create", "/Local/Target/Users/%s" % user.shortname, "RealName", user.RealName)
dscl's return code, stdout, and stderr are returned in a tuple.
CLUError is raised if dscl can't execute.
dscl_args = ["%s/usr/bin/dscl" % TARGET_DIR,
"%s/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" % TARGET_DIR,
p = subprocess.Popen(dscl_args,
(out, err) = p.communicate()
except OSError as e:
raise CLUError(u"Couldn't execute dscl: %s" % str(e))
return (p.returncode, out, err)
def check_os():
"""Raise a CLUError if OS version isn't 10.7 or higher."""
defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
defaults.addSuiteNamed_(os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, "System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion"))
os_ver = defaults.stringForKey_("ProductVersion")
if not os_ver or not os_ver.startswith("10."):
raise CLUError(u"Unrecognized OS version.")
os_minor = int(os_ver.split(".")[1])
if os_minor < 7:
raise CLUError(u"OS version check failed, 10.7+ required.")
class UserConfig(object):
"""Hold user configuration.
A plist is read as the input configuration, and its values are checked.
A user dictionary is populated from the configuration, or with default and
calculated values.
CLUErrors are raised if anything is wrong with the configuration.
def __init__(self, plist):
"""Initialize user configuration from a property list."""
super(UserConfig, self).__init__()
plist_data = NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile_(plist)
self.conf, format, error = \
plist_data, NSPropertyListMutableContainers, None, None)
if error:
raise CLUError(u"Couldn't read %s: %s" % (plist, error))
# This dictionary will hold the new user we're creating. The check_*-
# methods will read the configuration and populate it.
self.user = dotdict()
re_shortname = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,30}$')
def check_shortname(self):
"""shortname must be 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters, first is alpha."""
if not "shortname" in self.conf:
raise CLUError(u"A shortname must be provided.")
if not["shortname"]):
raise CLUError(u"Invalid shortname '%s'." % self.conf["shortname"])
(ret, out, err) = dscl("-read", u"/Local/Target/Users/%s" % self.conf["shortname"])
if ret == 0:
raise CLUError(u"User %s already exists" % self.conf["shortname"])
self.user.shortname = self.conf["shortname"]
def check_realname(self):
"""Use a RealName if supplied, otherwise use shortname."""
self.user.RealName = self.conf.get("RealName", self.user.shortname)
def check_password(self):
"""Ensure a hashed password is provided."""
if not "ShadowHashData" in self.conf:
raise CLUError(u"ShadowHashData must be provided.")
# TODO: Verify syntax of ShadowHashData.
self.user.ShadowHashData = self.conf["ShadowHashData"]
def check_uniqueid(self):
"""Use the supplied UID or find an unused UID between 501 and 600."""
# Use the supplied UID if given.
if "UniqueID" in self.conf:
self.user.UniqueID = int(self.conf["UniqueID"])
# Otherwise we search for users with UIDs between 501 and 600.
for uid in range(501, 601):
(retcode, out, err) = dscl("-search",
"%d" % uid)
# Empty output from dscl means the UID is available.
if not out:
self.user.UniqueID = uid
def check_primarygroupid(self):
"""Use a PrimaryGroupID if supplied, otherwise use default."""
self.user.PrimaryGroupID = int(self.conf.get("PrimaryGroupID", DEFAULT_GID))
def check_picture(self):
"""Use a Picture if supplied, otherwise use default."""
self.user.Picture = self.conf.get("Picture", DEFAULT_PICTURE)
def check_usershell(self):
"""Use a UserShell if supplied, otherwise use default."""
self.user.UserShell = self.conf.get("UserShell", DEFAULT_SHELL)
def check_nfshomedirectory(self):
"""Use a NFSHomeDirectory if supplied, otherwise use default."""
home = self.conf.get("NFSHomeDirectory", DEFAULT_HOME)
home = re.sub(r'%u', self.user.shortname, home)
home = re.sub(r'%n', "%d" % self.user.UniqueID, home)
home = re.sub(r'%l', self.user.shortname[0].lower(), home)
home = re.sub(r'%L', self.user.shortname[0].upper(), home)
self.user.NFSHomeDirectory = home
def check_generateduid(self):
"""Use a UUID if supplied."""
self.user.GeneratedUID = self.conf.get("GeneratedUID", None)
def check_isadmin(self):
"""Check if the user should be an administrator, default is no."""
self.user.IsAdmin = self.conf.get("IsAdmin", False)
def check_ishidden(self):
"""Check if the user should be hidden from the login window, default is no."""
self.user.IsHidden = self.conf.get("IsHidden", False)
def check_kickstartard(self):
"""Check if ARD should be kickstarted for the user."""
self.user.KickstartARD = self.conf.get("KickstartARD", False)
# FIXME: Don't hardcode utf-8.
# TODO: Use logging instead.
def printenc(msg, stream=sys.stdout, encoding="utf-8"):
print >>stream, msg.encode(encoding)
def printerr(msg):
printenc(msg, sys.stderr)
def main(argv):
# Read configuration plist.
# Ensure we're running on 10.7+
# Load the configuration.
user_config = UserConfig(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "userdata.plist"))
# Check the configuration.
except CLUError as e:
return 1
user = dotdict(user_config.user)
# Create the user using dscl.
printenc(u"Creating new user %s" % repr(user.shortname))
user_path = "/Local/Target/Users/%s" % user.shortname
# Bail out if we can't create the user at all.
(ret, out, err) = dscl("-create", user_path)
if ret:
printerr(u"dscl: Creation of %s failed: %s" % (user_path, err))
return 2
# Wrap dscl calls to display any errors.
def dscl_check(*args):
(ret, out, err) = dscl(*args)
if ret:
printerr(u"dscl %s returned %d: %s" % (" ".join(args), ret, err))
for a in ("RealName",
printenc("%s: %s" % (a, repr(user[a])))
dscl_check("-create", user_path, a, str(user[a]))
if user.GeneratedUID:
printenc("GeneratedUID: %s" % user.GeneratedUID)
dscl_check("-create", user_path, "GeneratedUID", user.GeneratedUID)
# Set ShadowHashData by writing directly to the user plist.
printenc(u"Writing ShadowHashData")
def flush_ds_cache():
ret ="/usr/bin/dscacheutil", "-flushcache"))
if ret:
printerr(u"Warning: dscacheutil -flushcache returned %d" % ret)
# Start by flushing the ds cache as we're going to access the plist directly.
user_plist_path = os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, "var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/%s.plist" % user.shortname)
user_plist_data = NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile_(user_plist_path)
if not user_plist_data:
printerr(u"Can't read %s" % user_plist_path)
return 2
user_plist, plist_format, error = \
user_plist_data, NSPropertyListMutableContainers, None, None)
if error:
printerr(u"Can't set ShadowHashData: %s" % error)
return 2
user_plist["ShadowHashData"] = user.ShadowHashData
user_plist_data, error = \
user_plist, plist_format, None)
if error:
printerr(u"Can't serialize user plist: %s" % error)
return 2
if not user_plist_data.writeToFile_atomically_(user_plist_path, True):
printerr(u"Couldn't write %s" % user_plist_path)
return 2
# Flushing the ds cache again, hopefully allowing directory services to pick up the new hash.
# Other user settings.
# Add to admin group.
if user.IsAdmin:
printenc(u"Making %s admin" % user.shortname)
dscl_check("-merge", "/Local/Target/Groups/admin", "GroupMembership", user.shortname)
# Hide user from login window.
if user.IsHidden:
printenc(u"Hiding %s from login window" % user.shortname)
p = subprocess.Popen(("/usr/bin/defaults",
os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, "Library/Preferences/"),
(out, err) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
printerr(u"Couldn't hide %s from loginwindow: %s" % (user.shortname, err))
# Kickstart ARD
if user.KickstartARD:
printenc(u"Kickstarting ARD - Step One")
ret =,
if ret:
printerr(u"Warning: ARD kickstart returned %d" % ret)
# Kickstart ARD
if user.KickstartARD:
printenc(u"Kickstarting ARD - Step Two")
ret =,
if ret:
printerr(u"Warning: ARD kickstart returned %d" % ret)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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