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Created September 13, 2012 16:46
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Convert a string to CamelCase, mixedCase or under_score. Just like they do in ruby zucker, but in pure haskell.
module Main where
We use a 'Data.Char' here. Who ever needs to convert
to snake_case or CamelCase unicode strings?..
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower, isUpper)
Transform first letter of 'String' using the function given.
Will not work on 'Data.Text'.
transformFst :: (Char -> Char) -> String -> String
transformFst _ [] = []
transformFst f (x:xs) = (f x):xs
-- For Data.Text we should use something like this:
transformFst :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> T.Text -> T.Text
transformFst f t = T.append $ t' tt'
t' = f . T.head $ t
tt' = T.tail $ t
Make 'String' begin with a capital letter using 'toUpper' transformation.
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize = transformFst toUpper
--capitalize = (transformFst toUpper) . map (toLower)
Make 'String' not begin with a capital letter
using 'toLower' transformation.
uncapitalize :: String -> String
uncapitalize = transformFst toLower
Split a 'String' into list of Strings.
It is just a Prelude function 'words', but it accpets a specified
predicate to determine delimiter.
NOTE: It won't work on 'Data.Text'.
split :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
split p s = case dropWhile p s of
"" -> []
s' -> w : split p s''
(w, s'') = break p s'
Convert a 'String' to CamelCase.
First, split it by \"_\" character.
Then apply 'capitalize' on each subpart.
Finally, concat.
toCamelCase :: String -> String
toCamelCase = concat . map' . split (== '_')
map' = map capitalize
Convert a 'String' to mixedCase.
Just combine 'uncapitalize' and 'toCamelCase'.
toMixedCase :: String -> String
toMixedCase = uncapitalize . toCamelCase
Convert a 'String' downcase.
Just 'map' it 'toLower' function.
downcase :: String -> String
downcase = map toLower
Split a 'String', by specified predicate, but do not remove matched
characters from the result.
Recursive implementation inspired by the "Real World Haskell" book.
splitR :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
splitR _ [] = []
splitR p s =
go :: Char -> String -> [String]
go m s' = case break p s' of
(b', []) -> [ m:b' ]
(b', (x:xs)) -> ( m:b' ) : go x xs
in case break p s of
(b, []) -> [ b ]
([], (h:t)) -> go h t
(b, (h:t)) -> b : go h t
Convert CamelCased or mixedCases 'String' to a 'String' with underscores,
the \"snake\" 'String'.
It splits an input value to chunks by 'isUpper' predicate,
then adds underscores to each element except the first.
Finally concats the result and convers it downcase.
toSnake :: String -> String
toSnake = downcase . concat . underscores . splitR isUpper
underscores :: [String] -> [String]
underscores [] = []
underscores (h:t) = h : map ('_':) t
main = do
print . toCamelCase $ "was_under_score"
print . toMixedCase $ "was_under_score"
print . toSnake $ "wasMixedCase"
print . toSnake $ "WasCamelCase"
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