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Created October 6, 2021 21:00
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	class Organization
	class Team
		Team: +int organizationId
		Team: +array LabelsText
    class User
	    User: +int teamId
	class Repo
		Repo: +int organizationId
	class PullRequest
		PullRequest: +int organizationId
		PullRequest: +int repoId
		PullRequest: +int userId
		PullRequest: +int teamId
    class Issue
	    Issue: +int organizationId
		Issue: +int repoId
		Issue: +int userId
		Issue: +int teamId
		Issue: +int pullRequestId
	class Label
		Label: +int organizationId
		Label: +int repoId
	Organization --|> Team: organizationId
	Organization --|> Repo: organizationId
	Team --|> User: teamId
	Repo --|> Label: repoId
	Repo --|> PullRequest: repoId
	User --|> PullRequest: userId
	Team --|> PullRequest: teamId
	Repo --|> Issue: repoId
	User --|> Issue: userId
	Team --|> Issue: teamID
	PullRequest --|> Issue: pullRequestId
	Label --|> PullRequest: labelIds
	Label --|> Issue: labelIds

orgs: question repos :question

teams users (many) labels

pullRequests issues

Foreign Key: user.team_id

Link/Junction Table: team_member_users: { team_id: user_id }

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