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Forked from joejag/connie.txt
Created April 3, 2013 17:20
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Connie Talk on Talking
Not "Have to present" -> "Get to present"
No reporting, no informating
resonating influencing
"How do people respond to your presentations?" (walk out, ask too many follow up questions, what actions do they take)
"there is nothing normal about presenting"
Prioritize the content
Judge the audience by: "where do they spend their time, energy and money"
When mixed audience:
Presentation is: content, structure & delivery
"What is the audience experiencing?"
You are driving people from Point A to Point B (Knowledge level, resistance)
(What do you want them to do with this information)
Eliminate all content that doens't drive audience to point B
Have a big idea (between A and B): what is your pov, what's at stake for the audience, hone it to one sentance
PPT -> Is a document. Are you making a document (have a meeting), prompter (lack of rehearsel, audience perceives you as slow) or slide (focus on both, visual aid)?
3 Habits to influence others and make things happen: Connect, Convey & Convinence
1. Connect: Give people what they want and value so you get their attention
2: Convey: Use portion cntrol to get your points acroess with calrity not confusion
3: Convince: Gain commitment to create a groundswell for your idea
Connect: (capture attention) they have weapons of mass distraction!
Need to know how this is relevant to them (do not skip!)
Stay in their moment, (focus on their experience, not yours)
frontload your messages, (important info for the audience comes first)
deliver peer to peer (not teacher to student -> avoid 'should' or 'must do this' or 'have to' < -- do not preach at the audiance, feels forced rather than shared)
Look at Twitter, group sites to figure out what they value right now.
Concise: (manage information) A confused brain does nothing.
Fire Hydrant Habit: They just want a little bit of information, do not overload
Eyes Trump the Ears: Visuals help people process information (10x quicker process, Gore showed the world))
You are lead singer, slides are for backing you up
Talk in triplets: Substational but not otherwhelming.
3 Categories (narrow & deep not wide and shallow)
Tell Stories: Gain longer shelf life (2 Biz stories: success stories and cautionary tales)
Create a file of stories to use -> powerful for changing peoples minds
Convince: Get them to action (manage action): What will I do differently as a result of this
* Commitement not compliance (get committed people, shortcut to getting things done and moving forward)
Sound Decisive: (firm up your speaking style) - use the power pause (let it breathe) <-- Look at the audience
Use different pace, do not speak at the same speed
Look decisive: (use power stance) stand with feet at shoulders, lean to each side
Choose home base and 2 points to use power stance (everyone gets a peice of you)
Do not stand on one leg! No Fig leaf (protecting groin), stand like a greek statue!
Transfet Owenserhip: Shift idea so they embrace it
Do not hog the idea
Use peer power: before presentation ask yourself who will resist idea
Make worst enemy a wing man. Meet before (can you make this better, tell me what you think of this)
This will make your ideas better
Adjust Energy Level: People monitor you for signals (Credible | Ideal | likeable <-- be in the middle)
Combine credibility with likeabiliy
3 Elements that attract or repel: face, body language, voice
Facial energy: Bill Clinton's Magic Move. prevent inner Bob Dole
80 muscles in head, position 2 of them to get response
(2 muscles on the outside of your lips)
Start look like you care (not big smile, can be damaging!)
Vocal Energy: you have a skewed perception (add warmth with smile and dial technique)
Body energy: Not gestures, its' the mannerisms (don't distract people)
Focus on audience energy (open or closed?)
Rewatch videaos of yourself to see how the audience experiences you.
Have I front loaded or overwhelmed?
If you speak too quickly you are shallow breathing: Stick out your gut!
Worst idea possible is to try to look thin!
Remove nouns from slides, keep big numbers
Iteractivity makes last longer than 20 minutes. build in active -> passive -> active -> passive
Ask conference organiser to meet 3 people before talk. Who are the influencers? Secure commitment before the meeting.
Use visible shows of hand <-- reveal 'why' you want them to do something
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