The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 50 minutes total.
To start this assignment:
- Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
- Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
- To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.
Read Turing Instructor David Whitaker's article on Git and GitHub
- Use the article and outside resources (Google!) to describe the general process of a collaborative git workflow in the space below.
Watch Tim's video on classes and objects.
In the space below, come up with your own example of a class (like "bottle") and several objects (like "spray bottle", "nalgene", etc.):
Skim this intro to Markdown. It's not necessary to memorize because you can always come back to it as a reference.
Next, create a new gist of your own by clicking the New Gist
button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Create a "Beginners Guide to Git" documenting your git knowledge so far using Markdown. Incorporate each of the following features into your Gist:
at least two headings of different sizes
at least one numbered list
at least one bullet point list
at least one bold word/phrase
at least one italic word/phrase
at least one code block
at least one inline code block (greyed text)
at least one image
Paste the link to your gist here: