My thoughts on the current state of
- I like the new position/prominence of the search box, but I don't think the black subheader is necessary. The search box is too big. How about another search box on the bottom of the page too?
- The "Heroku Dev Center" heading and "Getting started/Reference/Articles" links show up twice on the home page, which seems like a waste of valuable landing page space. I'd rather see the contents of each of those sections on the home page, rather than links to those sections. In general, I'd like to see more articles on the home page. Why only three per section?
- The articles page seem more like an archive than anything else. There's nothing here that suggests to me that this content is different from "reference content" -- no YMMV warning or anything. I don't really understand the difference between "Reference" and "Articles". I think of all this content