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Created July 26, 2016 22:49
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Getting machine owner's email address
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
for (CatalogResource machine : machines) {
List<CatalogPrincipal> owners = machine.getOwners();
for( CatalogPrincipal owner : owners ){
String ownerEmail = example.getUserEmail(owner.getRef());
System.out.println("OWNER: " + owner.getValue()
+ " (" + owner.getType()
+ ") : Username" + owner.getRef()
+ "OWNER: email is " + ownerEmail);
//Pass the machine owners getRef() value in the userName param
private String getUserEmail(String userName) {
if (!isAuthenticated()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("You must call login() first to authenticate");
String userEmail = "";
RestClient rcService = consumerService
IdentityStoreClientServiceImpl iscs = new IdentityStoreClientServiceImpl(rcService);
OdataQuery orderByName = OdataQuery.query().addAscOrderBy("name");
Pageable page =, 100, orderByName);
Set<IdentityStore> identityStores = iscs.getIdentityStores(tenant, page);
for (IdentityStore item : identityStores) {
if( userEmail.equals("")){
RestClient principalService = consumerService.getDefaultRestClientForService("identity");
PrincipalService psvc = new PrincipalService(principalService);
User wkgUser = psvc.getPrincipal(tenant,userName);
return userEmail;
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