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Created February 4, 2019 08:01
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A short script which shows how to calculate carbon cost of a flight, given data from Monzo's API using Monzor (the R library I wrote)
# For the purposes of this demo, I picked the relevant transcation by hand. Using Monzo's callbacks, this would be automated in live code
getFlight <- function() {
getTransaction(transactionId = "tx_0000AAAAA5i3BqkXSPAAAA")
# Given an start and end, calculate the offset required, using the lat/lon of each airport
calculateOffset <- function(startAirport = NULL, endAirport = NULL) {
airports <- read.csv("data/airports.csv", sep = ",")
airports <- airports[which(airports$iata_code %in% c(startAirport, endAirport)), ]
startAirport <- airports[which(airports$iata_code == startAirport), ]
endAirport <- airports[which(airports$iata_code == endAirport), ]
distance <- distHaversine(
c(startAirport$latitude_deg, startAirport$longitude_deg),
c(endAirport$latitude_deg, endAirport$longitude_deg)
journey <-$latitude_deg, startAirport$longitude_deg, endAirport$latitude_deg, endAirport$longitude_deg))
names(journey) <- c("startLat", "startLon", "endLat", "endLon")
worldmap <- borders("world", colour="#efede1", fill="#efede1")
ggplot() + worldmap +
geom_curve(data = journey, aes(x = startLon,
y = startLat,
xend = endLon,
yend = endLat),
col = "#b29e7d", size = 1, curvature = .2) +
geom_point(data = airports, aes(x = longitude_deg, y = latitude_deg), col = "#970027") +
geom_text_repel(data = airports, aes(x = longitude_deg, y = latitude_deg, label = name), col = "black", size = 5, segment.color = NA) +
xlim(-20, 59) +
ylim(35, 71) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="white"),
axis.line = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank()
# Calculate the cost itself
calculate <- function(distance = 0) {
costPerKilogram = 0.008
AverageSeatNumber = 158.44
PassengerLoadFactor = 0.77
DetourConstant = 50
InverseCargoFactor = 0.951
EconomyClassWeight = 0.960
EmissionFactor = 3.150
PreProduction = 0.51
Multiplier = 2
a = 0.0000387871
b = 2.9866
c = 1263.42
emissions <- ((a*distance^2 + b*distance + c) / (AverageSeatNumber * PassengerLoadFactor)) * InverseCargoFactor * EconomyClassWeight * (EmissionFactor * Multiplier + PreProduction)
costPerKilogram * emissions
# Do it all
go <- function() {
flight <- getFlight()
origin <- flight$metadata$city_of_origin_airport_code
dest <- flight$metadata$city_of_destination_airport_code
offsetCost <- calculateOffset(origin, dest)
response <- addItemToFeed(title = cat("Offset your flight to ", dest$name),
itembody = cat("Offsetting the flight would cost ", offsetCost),
image_url = "",
background_colour = "#ff00ff")
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