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Created December 10, 2020 00:05
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declare module "@architect/functions" {
* Requests are passed to your handler function in an object, and include the following parameters
export interface Request {
* Payload version (e.g. 2.0)
version: string;
* Tuple of HTTP method (GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE) and path; URL
* params are surrounded in braces If path is not captured by a specific
* function, routeKey will be $default (and be handled by the get / function)
* Example: GET /, GET /shop/{product}
routeKey: string;
* The absolute path of the request
* Example: /, /shop/chocolate-chip-cookies
rawPath: string;
* Any URL params, if defined in your HTTP function's path (e.g. product in /shop/:product)
* Example: { product: 'chocolate-chip-cookies' }
pathParameters?: { [param: string]: string };
* String containing query string params of request, if any
* Example: ?someParam=someValue, '' (if none)
rawQueryString: string;
* Any query params if present in the client request
* Example: { someParam: someValue }
queryStringParameters?: { [param: string]: string };
* Array containing all cookies, if present in client request
* Example: [ 'some_cookie_name=some_cookie_value' ]
cookies?: string[];
* All client request headers
* Example: { 'accept-encoding': 'gzip' }
headers: { [header: string]: string };
* Request metadata, including http object containing method and path (should
* you not want to parse the routeKey)
requestContext: { [key: string]: string };
* Contains unparsed, base64-encoded request body
* We suggest parsing with a body parser helper
body?: string;
* Indicates whether body is base64-encoded binary payload
isBase64Encoded: boolean;
export interface Response {
* Sets the HTTP status code; usually to 200
statusCode: number;
* All response headers
headers?: { [header: string]: string };
* Contains response body, either as a plain string, or, if binary, a
* base64-encoded buffer
* Note: The maximum body payload size is 6MB; files being delivered
* non-dynamically should use the Begin CDN
body?: string;
* Indicates whether body is base64-encoded binary payload; defaults to false
* Required to be set to true if emitting a binary payload
isBase64Encoded?: boolean;
// There's a lot more, but this is all we use
export interface Arc {
http: Http;
type session = { [key: string]: string };
interface Http {
session: {
write: (session: session) => Promise<string>;
read: (request: Request) => Promise<session>;
const arc: Arc;
export default arc;
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