, pri.ipsum
, pri.dolar orci
, pri.sit
, pri.amet
WHEN erat = 'vitae'
THEN 'suscipit'
ELSE 'sed'
END erat
, sec.consectetur
, sec.adipiscing
, ter.elit
FROM primaryTable pri
JOIN secondaryTable sec
ON pri.lorem = sec.lorem
AND pri.dolar = sec.dolar
JOIN tertiaryTable ter
ON pri.lorem = ter.lorem
AND sec.adipiscing = ter.adipiscing
pri.amet = 'sapien'
, pri.ipsum
, pri.dolar
, pri.sit
, pri.amet
This is my default formatting for SELECT
sql queries. The primary focus is on readability, and secondary focus is on being able to debug/develop the statement.
Selected columns are all on their own lines. Comma preceding is a personal preference, but I find it makes things easier to read when columns and aliases are longer. Columns are grouped by tables to make scanning the list of what is being selected easier. Column table groups are in the same order as the tables are selected from and joined. Aliases are spaced after the column definition ends, unless every column has an alias and then I will tab them to line them up sometimes - but generally I find this is a waste of time.
Table joined with the type of join on its own line and the JOIN tablename
on the next line and indented. This means that when looking at a query you can quickly glance through and see all of the tables because they are mostly lined up and always have a gap preceding them. This also serves to highlight the type of join, as that is a common place for mistakes. Join conditions are lined up, one condition per line below. This makes it easy to see and not miss the conditions, and also makes it easier to single line comment them out for debugging.
INSERT INTO primaryTable
, ipsum
, dolar
, sit
, amet
, 'ipsum'
, 'dolar'
, 'sit'
, 'amet'
, (
, 'ipsum'
, 'dolar'
, 'sit'
, 'amet'
Inserts with only a couple columns may not have to use this format as it may be easier to keep values on one line, but especially when using parameters or when working with lots of columns this becomes much easier to read and understand. I also generally use a tool that will either put comments behind values to remind you the column or an SQL IDE that will tell you that.
UPDATE primaryTable
ipsum = 'ipsum'
lorem = 'Lorem'
FROM primaryTable
lorem = 'Lorem'
My version: