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OpenShift Container Matrix - LinuxCon EU
<section id='OpenShift-Container-Matrix' data-markdown>
# OpenShift
## Container Matrix
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#### OpenShift: Container Matrix
Presented at LinuxConf EU
16:00-16:50 Wednesday, 2015/10/07
Location: Wicklow Meeting 1
<section id='by-ryanj' data-state="blackout">
<p>presented by</p>
<p><a href=''>ryan jarvinen</a> / <a href=''>@ryanj</a></p>
<p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p>
<section data-transition="concave" id='agenda'>
<li class='fragment'><a href='#/overview'>Overview</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href='#/demo'>Hexboard Demo</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href='#/workshop'>OpenShift CLI tools</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href='#/containerization'>Containerizing your Apps w/ Docker</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href='#/build-and-ship'>Building and Shipping Images w/ OpenShift v3</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href='#/replication-and-healing'>Replication and Healing w/ Kubernetes</a></li>
<section id='our-stack'>
<h2>Our Stack</h2>
<li class='fragment'><a href="">Project Atomic</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="">Kubernetes</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="">OpenShift</a></li>
<li class='fragment'>Containers (everything else)</li>
<section data-transition="concave" id='topology'>
<img style="border:none;" src="" alt="Arch Diagram">
<section data-transition="linear">
<section data-transition="linear" id='terminology' data-markdown>
### Terminology
1. [node](#/node)
2. [image](#/image)
3. [container](#/container)
4. [pod](#/pod)
5. [service](#/se)
6. [route](#/route)
7. [replicationController (rc)](#/rc)
8. [deploymentConfig (dc)](#/dc)
9. [buildConfig (bc)](#/bc)
10. [template](#/template)
<section data-transition="linear" id='node' data-markdown>
### Node
A [node]( is a machine (physical or virtual) where workloads can be run. Node activity is managed via one or more Master instances.
<section data-transition="linear" id='image' data-markdown>
### [Image](
A packaged runtime or workload environment. A bootable linux container that runs wherever Docker is supported. See also, [`ImageStreams`](
<section data-transition="linear" id='container' data-markdown>
### [Container](
A running image with an allocation of system resources.
<section data-transition="linear" id='pod' data-markdown>
### Pod
A group of one or more co-located containers. [Pods]( represent your minimum increment of scale.
<section data-transition="linear" id='se' data-markdown>
### [Service](
A service (se) is a software load-balancer that distributes inbound traffic to associated pods
<section data-transition="linear" id='route' data-markdown>
### [Route](
A `service` will receive traffic based on the inbound `Host` header. Similar to how Apache VirtualHosts works.
<section data-transition="linear" id='rc' data-markdown>
### ReplicationController
An [`RC`]( is created for every deployment, allowing you to easily scale your workloads by adjusting your desired number of pods
<section data-transition="linear" id='dc' data-markdown>
### DeploymentConfig
A [`DC`]( helps you define how and when images are distributed to nodes (as pods, containers)
<section data-transition="linear" id='bc' data-markdown>
### BuildConfig
A [`BC`]( allows you build new images in a variety of ways
<section data-transition="linear" id='template' data-markdown>
### Template
[Templates]( provide an easy way to create a set of resources using customized paramters.
<section data-transition="concave" id='diagram'>
<img style="border:none;" src="" alt="Model Diagram">
<section id='demo' data-markdown>
## Hexboard Demo
<section id='interact' data-markdown>
#### Claim your piece of the cloud
<section id='workshop' data-markdown>
## Workshop Setup
Install the `oc` command-line tool
* USB sticks available in class
* Also available at [](
<section id='authentication' data-markdown>
## Authentication
1. Log in to [GitHub](
2. Log in to OpenShift via the CLI: ```oc login --server=```
3. Log in to OpenShift on the web:
<section id='containerization' data-markdown>
# Containerizing
### your
# Applications
and/or Services
<section id='dockerize' data-markdown>
## Getting Started
## Docker
Add a Dockerfile to your repo
<section id='templates' data-markdown>
### Composing with Templates
microservices &rarr; templates
* swarm
* k8s templates and object lists
* OpenShift templates
* AppC
* NuleCule
<section id='build-and-ship' data-markdown>
## Building
## Shipping
# Images
<section id='building-images' data-markdown>
### Automated Builds on DockerHub
<section id='building-on-openshift' data-markdown>
## Building and Shipping
# OpenShift
<section id='fork' data-markdown>
### Fork
Fork this:
<section id='reset' data-markdown>
### Clean Up
`oc delete all --all`
<section id='source-to-image' data-markdown>
## Source
# Image
Build and Deploy your fork of the `smoke` test repo
<section id='new-models' data-markdown>
### New Models
* BuildConfig
* DeploymentConfig
<section id='change-triggers' data-markdown>
### Change Triggers
* Env Change
* Image Change
<section id='imagechange' data-markdown>
## ImageChange
Deploy an Image
<section id='dockerbuild' data-markdown>
## DockerBuild
Builds based on Dockerfiles
<section id='s2i' data-markdown>
## Source 2 Image
Combine source repos and base images
<section id='webhooks' data-markdown>
## WebHooks
Set up a commit WebHook
<section id='git-push-to-build-and-ship' data-markdown>
### Git Push to Build and Ship
Or, use GitHub's web-based editor to make a minor change
<section id='replication-and-healing' data-markdown>
## Replication
## Healing
# Kubernetes
<section id='scaling' data-markdown>
## Scaling
`oc scale rc/smoke-1 --replicas=3`
<section id='recovery' data-markdown>
### Recovery
`oc get pods`
`oc delete POD_ID`
<section data-transition="concave">
<section id='additional-topics' data-markdown>
## Additional Topics
* Deployments:
* [Rolling](
* [Blue/Green](
* [A/B](
* Build and Release Automation:
* [Creating your own Base images](
* [Repeatable Processes for Building Secure Containers](
* [Binary Deployments](
* [Jenkins integration](
* [CI/CD Workflows w/ Shippable](
<section id='bonus-content' data-markdown>
## Additional Topics
* Database examples:
* [MongoDB Replicas](
* PostgreSQL: [pg-testing](, [CrunchyData pg-9.4](
* Monitoring:
* [Commons Briefing on Monitoring](
* [hexboard example (DIY)](
* Networking:
* [SDN](
* [SSL / TLS](
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<section id='docs-and-more' data-markdown>
## Docs, training, and more
* [OpenShift Documentation](
* [Openshift Commons Briefings](
* [OpenShift Roadshow Workshop](
* Free K8s EBook: [Kubernetes: Scheduling the Future at Cloud Scale](
<section id='homework' data-markdown>
### More ways to try OpenShift:
1. OpenShift Origin upstream development:
2. All-in-One OpenShift / K8s cluster in a VM:
3. Build your own cluster in the cloud:
<section id='demo-ansible'>
<h3>Today's Playbook</h3>
<a href=""></a>
<pre><code contenteditable>./ --env-size medium --master-instance-type t2.large --infra-instance-type c3.xlarge \
--node-instance-type r3.large --keypair ec2 --r53-zone \
--app-dns-prefix my --skip-subscription-management --rhsm-user foo --rhsm-pass bar \
--default-password linuxconeu --console-port 443 --api-port 443 --cluster-id live \
--run-smoke-tests --num-smoke-test-users 40</code></pre>
<section id='thank-you' data-markdown>
# Thank You!
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