Install and Configure
# install binary
curl -sfL | bash
# check path
ls /usr/local/bin | grep direnv
# pipes and folded scalars | |
pipe: | | |
Farm boy, fill these with water | |
As you wish. | |
pipe_example: | | |
docker build -t $DOCKER_REPOSITORY:$TAG . | |
echo $DOCKER_PASSWORD | docker login -u $DOCKER_USER --password-stdin | |
Install and Configure
# install binary
curl -sfL | bash
# check path
ls /usr/local/bin | grep direnv
# Key / Value | |
book_name: The Hobbit | |
# Lists | |
bad_guys: | |
- goblins | |
- wargs | |
- Gollum | |
- Smaug |
version: 2.1 | |
setup: true | |
orbs: | |
path-filtering: circleci/[email protected] | |
workflows: | |
setup-workflow: | |
jobs: |
version: 2.1 | |
workflows: | |
testing: | |
jobs: | |
- runner_mac | |
- runner_linux | |
- cloud_docker | |
jobs: | |
runner_linux: | |
machine: true |
command: | | |
if [ -n ${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER:-} ]; then | |
local base_branch=$(curl -fsSL$CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME/$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME/pulls/$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER | jq -r '.base.ref') | |
else | |
local base_branch=$CIRCLE_BRANCH | |
fi |
# Step 1: Use the CircleCI CLI to split the tests with a globbing pattern to find test.js and exclude node_modules | |
# Step 2: Pipe list of tests in and split by timing data | |
# Step 3: Run tests as usual with the split test files being fed to the test runner | |
- run: | |
name: Test application w/ timing data | |
command: | | |
TEST=$(circleci tests glob **/{*test.js,!node_modules} | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) | |
yarn test $TEST |
jobs: | |
test: | |
<executor removed for brevity> | |
# set the number of containers to split the tests across | |
parallelism: 2 | |
steps: | |
<checkout steps removed for brevity> | |
# create directory to store test results | |
- run: mkdir ~/junit | |
"jest": { | |
"reporters": [ | |
"default", | |
"jest-junit" | |
], | |
}, | |
"jest-junit": { | |
"addFileAttribute": "true" | |
}, | |
"devDependencies": { |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: