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Last active August 29, 2018 21:07
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quick csv grouping script in python re:
import csv
from collections import OrderedDict
CLEANED_DICT = OrderedDict()
METADATA_FIELDS = ['districtID','district','schoolID','school']
with open('schools.csv') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
if (row['schoolID'] not in CLEANED_DICT.keys()):
# we don't have a row for this school yet,
# so create it with the basic metadata
CLEANED_DICT[row['schoolID']] = {
k:row[k] for k in METADATA_FIELDS
# create a column designator based on the student group in this csv row
# e.g. 'all_students' or 'economically_disadvantaged'
value = row['students'].lower().replace(' ','_').replace('/','_')
value_types = ['total','pct']
for value_type in value_types:
# make a csv-friendly header for this column, e.g. 'total_all_students'
column_header = value_type + '_' + value
# add it to our running list of fields for the output csv
if column_header not in VALUE_FIELDS: VALUE_FIELDS.append(column_header)
# add value for that group of students to this school's row
CLEANED_DICT[row['schoolID']].update({column_header: row[value_type]})
# create the output csv
with open('schools_cleaned.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, lineterminator='\n')
for k,v in CLEANED_DICT.items():
districtID district schoolID school students total pct
2142 Salem-Keiser 728 Auburn Elementary School All Students 648 29.2
2142 Salem-Keiser 728 Auburn Elementary School Economically Disadvantaged 648 29.2
2142 Salem-Keiser 728 Auburn Elementary School English Learners 409 25.9
2142 Salem-Keiser 728 Auburn Elementary School Hispanic/Latino 416 27.6
2142 Salem-Keiser 5066 Battle Creek Elementary School All Students 568 20.4
2142 Salem-Keiser 5066 Battle Creek Elementary School Economically Disadvantaged 267 27
2142 Salem-Keiser 5066 Battle Creek Elementary School English Learners 30 16.7
2142 Salem-Keiser 5066 Battle Creek Elementary School Hispanic/Latino 59 23.7
districtID district schoolID school total_all_students pct_all_students total_economically_disadvantaged pct_economically_disadvantaged total_english_learners pct_english_learners total_hispanic_latino pct_hispanic_latino
2142 Salem-Keiser 728 Auburn Elementary School 648 29.2 648 29.2 409 25.9 416 27.6
2142 Salem-Keiser 5066 Battle Creek Elementary School 568 20.4 267 27 30 16.7 59 23.7
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