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Created March 10, 2017 15:54
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using owl to build a trivial nn sing AD module from scratch
open Owl_algodiff_ad
type layer = { mutable w : t; mutable b : t; a : t -> t }
type network = { layers : layer array }
let run_layer x l = Maths.((x $@ l.w) + l.b) |> l.a
let run_network x nn = Array.fold_left run_layer x nn.layers
let backprop nn eta epoch x y =
let t = tag () in
for i = 1 to epoch do
Array.iter (fun l ->
l.w <- make_reverse l.w t;
l.b <- make_reverse l.b t;
) nn.layers;
Maths.(l2norm_sqr((run_network x nn) - y)) |> reverse_prop (F 1.);
Array.iter (fun l ->
l.w <- Maths.((primal l.w) - (eta * (adjval l.w))) |> primal;
l.b <- Maths.((primal l.b) - (eta * (adjval l.b))) |> primal;
) nn.layers;
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