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Created March 1, 2022 22:38
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Sample UnrealEngine 5.0 Python Script for using Geometry Scripting to do a Boolean Subtract operation
# Unreal Engine 5.0 Python Script that takes in N >= 2 selected StaticMesh Actors,
# and subtracts Actors 1..N from the first Actor
import unreal
# output path and asset name (random suffix will be appended)
BooleanResultBasePath = "/Game/PythonBooleanTest"
BooleanResultBaseName = "PyBoolean"
# get Actor subsystem and get set of selected Actors
actorSub = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)
SelectedActors = unreal.EditorFilterLibrary.by_class(actorSub.get_selected_level_actors(), unreal.StaticMeshActor)
# make temporary structs
asset_options = unreal.GeometryScriptCopyMeshFromAssetOptions()
requested_lod = unreal.GeometryScriptMeshReadLOD()
copy_from_component_options = unreal.GeometryScriptCopyMeshFromComponentOptions()
# loop over Actors. Collect meshes, subtract all other meshes from the first mesh
i = 0
ResultMesh = unreal.DynamicMesh() # final mesh will be here
ResultMaterials = [] # final material list will be here
LocalToWorld = unreal.Transform() # ResultMesh will be in World space, and this will be the transformation back to local space of the first Actor
for StaticMeshActor in SelectedActors:
StaticMeshComponent = StaticMeshActor.static_mesh_component
StaticMesh = StaticMeshComponent.static_mesh
# if it's mesh 0, just copy it into ResultMesh, otherwise subtract it
if i == 0:
# copy static mesh to dynamic mesh
(ResultMeshOut, LocalToWorld, Outcome) = unreal.GeometryScript_SceneUtils.copy_mesh_from_component(StaticMeshComponent, ResultMesh, copy_from_component_options, True)
# create flattened list of materials from this StaticMesh Component (note that we must use asset sections to figure out correct material slot index!)
(AssetMaterialList, MaterialIndices, Outcome) = unreal.GeometryScript_AssetUtils.get_section_material_list_from_static_mesh(StaticMesh, unreal.GeometryScriptMeshReadLOD() )
for matidx in MaterialIndices:
ResultMaterials.append( StaticMeshComponent.get_material(matidx) ) # use Component material instead of Asset material!
# copy static mesh to dynamic mesh
TempMesh = unreal.DynamicMesh()
unreal.GeometryScript_SceneUtils.copy_mesh_from_component(StaticMeshComponent, TempMesh, copy_from_component_options, True)
# create flattened list of materials from this StaticMesh Component (note that we must use asset sections to figure out correct material slot index!)
(AssetMaterialList, MaterialIndices, Outcome) = unreal.GeometryScript_AssetUtils.get_section_material_list_from_static_mesh(StaticMesh, unreal.GeometryScriptMeshReadLOD() )
MaterialIndices.reverse() # reverse list so that we can process material IDs from largest to smallest and avoid collision, as we will always remap to larger
for matidx in MaterialIndices:
new_matidx = len(ResultMaterials)
ResultMaterials.append( StaticMeshComponent.get_material(matidx) ) # use Component material instead of Asset material!
unreal.GeometryScript_Materials.remap_material_i_ds( TempMesh, matidx, new_matidx )
# do the boolean subtract operation
subtract_options = unreal.GeometryScriptMeshBooleanOptions()
unreal.GeometryScript_MeshBooleans.apply_mesh_boolean(ResultMesh, unreal.Transform(), TempMesh, unreal.Transform(), unreal.GeometryScriptBooleanOperation.SUBTRACT, subtract_options)
i = i + 1
# apply inverse transform to ResultMesh, becase it was transformed to world
unreal.GeometryScript_MeshTransforms.transform_mesh(ResultMesh, LocalToWorld.inverse())
if ResultMesh.get_triangle_count() > 0:
# generate a unique new asset name, so that we don't lose the output due to a name collision
NewAssetNameOptions = unreal.GeometryScriptUniqueAssetNameOptions()
(NewAssetPath, NewAssetName, Success) = unreal.GeometryScript_NewAssetUtils.create_unique_new_asset_path_name(BooleanResultBasePath, BooleanResultBaseName, NewAssetNameOptions)
# create a new asset for the output mesh
NewAssetOptions = unreal.GeometryScriptCreateNewStaticMeshAssetOptions()
#NewAssetOptions.enable_nanite = True # can use this to enable Nanite
(NewStaticMesh, Outcome) = unreal.GeometryScript_NewAssetUtils.create_new_static_mesh_asset_from_mesh(ResultMesh, NewAssetPath, NewAssetOptions)
if Outcome == unreal.GeometryScriptOutcomePins.SUCCESS:
# in 5.0 the create-new-asset function does not support setting materials, so now copy it again (could also enable nanite here)
UpdateAssetOptions = unreal.GeometryScriptCopyMeshToAssetOptions()
UpdateAssetOptions.replace_materials = True
UpdateAssetOptions.new_materials = ResultMaterials
unreal.GeometryScript_AssetUtils.copy_mesh_to_static_mesh(ResultMesh, NewStaticMesh, UpdateAssetOptions, unreal.GeometryScriptMeshWriteLOD())
print('Result Mesh is Empty!')
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