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Created April 6, 2013 22:30
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Save ryanseys/5327914 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Calculates the Passer Rating (passer efficiency or pass efficiency) of a player given some variables. Use at own risk, old-as-fuck code here.
# This Python application will calculate the passer rating
# (passer efficiency or pass efficiency) given the five required variables.
# Variables to be used as values are defined below. Set to strings so input
# can be anything. Later the strings will be converted to numbers, given
# they pass a series of error checking tests.
COMP = "null"
ATT = "null"
YARDS = "null"
TD = "null"
INT = "null"
# Function defined to check if string is a valid number,
# and if it is larger than zero. (Invalid if < 0
def checkIfNum(stringToTest):
temp = float(stringToTest)
except ValueError:
# isn't a number
return False
if(temp < 0):
return False
# is a number
return True
# Get user input of the numbers, and check to make sure that the input
# is a valid number. If it's not a valid number, it will re-ask for input.
while checkIfNum(COMP) == False:
COMP=raw_input('Enter the number of completions:')
while checkIfNum(ATT) == False:
ATT=raw_input('Enter the number of attempts:')
while checkIfNum(YARDS) == False:
YARDS=raw_input('Enter the total number of yards:')
while checkIfNum(TD) == False:
TD=raw_input('Enter the number of touchdown passes:')
while checkIfNum(INT) == False:
INT=raw_input("Enter the number of interceptions:")
# Converts all the strings to integers (already verified as valid numbers).
# INT is the name of the variable which holds the number
# of INTerceptions, int is the built in function which
# converts the strings to integers.
# The calculations are processed here using the newly converted integers.
# The resulting calculations are easy to determine from the variable names.
completionPercentage = ((COMP/ATT*100)-30)*.05
print("Completion Percentage = %d") % (completionPercentage)
avgYardPerAttempt = ((YARDS/ATT)-3)*0.25
print("Average Yards Per Attempt = %d") % (avgYardPerAttempt)
percentOfTdPasses = (TD/ATT)*20
print("Percentage of Touchdown Passes = %d") % (percentOfTdPasses)
percentOfInt = 2.375 - (INT/ATT * 25)
print("Percentage of Interceptions = %d") % (percentOfInt)
passerRating = ((completionPercentage + avgYardPerAttempt
+ percentOfTdPasses + percentOfInt)/6)*100
# After the final Passer Rating has been calculated,
# the result is printed on screen.
print("Passer Rating = %d") % (passerRating)
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