get dependencies for an existing repo in your virtual env:
pipenv install
confirm you've got a virtual env:
pipenv run which python
download your development dependency:
pipenv install --dev [yourrepo]
activate virtual environment:
pipenv shell
close, deactivate virtual environment: (close shell or close subshell via:)
review a package:
pip show [packagename]
Generate a distribution archive (wheel/tar files)
python sdist bdist_wheel # from dir
Upload the distribution archive to Pypi
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
using pyinstaller to create a build (will create a build and dist folder):
pyinstaller []
figure out where your user packages are installed
python -m site --user-base
blow away your virtual env (if pipfile exists):
pipenv --rm
If not, just delete directory manually.
Now that all the cool kids are using pipenv instead, we're doing that. Remember:
by default pipenv wants to set up your Virtual Env outside the project by default. To "fix" this annoyance, do:
in your computer user environment variables.