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Forked from ludwigschwardt/
Last active April 7, 2021 20:02
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  • Save ryanvolz/9e095624d46756ca0045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ryanvolz/9e095624d46756ca0045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This file is placed into the public domain.
"""Calculate the current package version number based on git tags.
This module provides `read_version_git` to read the output of "git describe"
and modify its output modified to conform to the versioning scheme that
setuptools uses (see PEP 386). Releases must be tagged with the following
v<num>(.<num>)+ [ {a|b|c|rc} <num> (.<num>)* ]
This module also provides `read_version_file` and `write_version_file` to
read and write the version number to a file. These functions should be used
to write the git version to a file so that it can be used in a release
distribution and can be read at runtime.
To use this module, import it in your file, define a
get_version() function, and use its result as your package version:
import os
import version
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def get_version(*file_paths):
# read version from git tags
ver = version.read_version_git()
# read version from file
ver = version.read_version_file(here, *file_paths)
# write version to file if we got it successfully from git
version.write_version_file(ver, here, *file_paths)
return ver
version=get_version('<SAMPLE>', ''),
This will automatically update the '<SAMPLE>/' file, where
'<SAMPLE>' is assumed to be the package directory. The '' file
should *not* be checked into git but it *should* be included in sdist
tarballs (this will be done automatically if written as a '.py' file in the
package directory as suggested). You should also include this module in your
manifest. To do these things, run:
echo include >>
echo >> <SAMPLE>/.gitignore
You can also import the package version at runtime by including the line
from ._version import __version__
in the file of your package <SAMPLE>.
With that setup, a new release can be labelled by simply invoking:
git tag -s v1.0
The original idea for this module is due to Douglas Creager, with PEP 386
modifications by Michal Nazarewicz. Here is a nice write-up of the original:
import codecs
import os
import re
import subprocess
_PEP386_SHORT_VERSION_RE = r'\d+(?:\.\d+)+(?:(?:[abc]|rc)\d+(?:\.\d+)*)?'
_PEP386_VERSION_RE = r'^%s(?:\.post\d+)?(?:\.dev\d+)?$' % (
_GIT_DESCRIPTION_RE = r'^v(?P<ver>%s)-(?P<commits>\d+)-g(?P<sha>[\da-f]+)$' % (
# read version number using 'git describe'
def read_version_git():
# read version number using 'git describe'
cmd = 'git describe --tags --long --match v[0-9]*.*'.split()
git_description = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode().strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to get version number from git tags')
desc_match =, git_description)
if not desc_match:
raise ValueError('Git description (%s) is not a valid PEP386 version' %
commits = int('commits'))
if not commits:
version ='ver')
version = '' % ('ver'),
int('sha'), 16)
return version
# write the version number to a source file
def write_version_file(version, *file_paths):
# write version number to source file
version_msg = '# Do not edit this file, versioning is governed by git tags'
# Open in Latin-1 so that we avoid encoding errors.
# Use for Python 2 compatibility
with*file_paths), 'w', 'latin1') as f:
f.write(version_msg + os.linesep
+ "__version__ = '{0}'".format(version))
# Read the version number from a source file.
# Why read it, and not import?
# see
def read_version_file(*file_paths):
# Open in Latin-1 so that we avoid encoding errors.
# Use for Python 2 compatibility
with*file_paths), 'r', 'latin1') as f:
version_file =
# The version line must have the form
# __version__ = 'ver'
version_match ="^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]",
version_file, re.M)
if version_match:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string in source file.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print read_version_git()
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