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plantuml server url decoder encoder
import zlib
import base64
maketrans = bytes.maketrans
plantuml_alphabet = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + '-_'
base64_alphabet = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '+/'
b64_to_plantuml = maketrans(base64_alphabet.encode('utf-8'), plantuml_alphabet.encode('utf-8'))
plantuml_to_b64 = maketrans(plantuml_alphabet.encode('utf-8'), base64_alphabet.encode('utf-8'))
def plantuml_encode(plantuml_text):
"""zlib compress the plantuml text and encode it for the plantuml server"""
zlibbed_str = zlib.compress(plantuml_text.encode('utf-8'))
compressed_string = zlibbed_str[2:-4]
return base64.b64encode(compressed_string).translate(b64_to_plantuml).decode('utf-8')
def plantuml_decode(plantuml_url):
"""decode plantuml encoded url back to plantuml text"""
data = base64.b64decode(plantuml_url.translate(plantuml_to_b64).encode("utf-8"))
dec = zlib.decompressobj() # without check the crc.
header = b'x\x9c'
return dec.decompress(header + data).decode("utf-8")
url = "SyfFKj2rKt3CoKnELR1Io4ZDoSa70000"
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