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Last active February 5, 2021 01:55
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# Relation
type Re r a RE X Y = {_:r a | RE X Y}
newtype IsReflexive r a <re :: a -> a -> Bool> = IsReflexive
{ reflexivity :: x:a ->
Re r a {re} {x} {x}
newtype IsReflexive r a = IsReflexive (a -> r a)
newtype IsSymmetric r a <re :: a -> a -> Bool> = IsSymmetric
{ symmetry :: x:a -> y:a ->
Re r a {re} {x} {y} ->
Re r a {re} {y} {x}
newtype IsSymmetric r a = IsSymmetric (a -> a -> r a -> r a)
newtype IsTransitive r a <re :: a -> a -> Bool> = IsTransitive
{ transitivity :: x:a -> y:a -> z:a ->
Re r a {re} {x} {y} ->
Re r a {re} {y} {z} ->
Re r a {re} {x} {z}
newtype IsTransitive r a = IsTransitive (a -> a -> a -> r a -> r a -> r a)
# Equality
type Eq e a EQ X Y = {_:e a | EQ X Y}
data IsEquality e a <eq :: a -> a -> Bool> = IsEquality
{ isReflexive :: IsReflexive e a <eq>,
isSymmetric :: IsSymmetric e a <eq>,
isTransitive :: IsTransitive e a <eq>
data IsEquality e a
= IsEquality
(IsReflexive e a)
(IsSymmetric e a)
(IsTransitive e a)
data Equality e a = Equality
{ eq :: a -> a -> Bool,
isEquality :: IsEquality e a <eq>
data Equality e a = Equality
{ eq :: a -> a -> Bool,
isEquality :: IsEquality e a
# SMT Equality
{-@ measure eqsmt :: a -> a -> Bool @-}
eqsmt :: a -> a -> Bool
eqsmt = undefined
type EqSMT a X Y = Eq EqualSMT a {eqsmt} {X} {Y}
data EqualSMT :: * -> * where
SMT ::
x:a -> y:a ->
{_:Proof | x = y} ->
EqSMT a {x} {y}
data EqualSMT :: * -> * where
SMT :: a -> a -> Proof -> EqualSMT a
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