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Created April 13, 2013 18:25
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How I got my job at RAD.
First mail I ever got from Jeff:
From: Jeff Roberts
Subject: dude!
To: Fabian "ryg" Giesen
Date: 5/17/2009 2:42PM
Hey, man - I don't think we have ever talked before directly!
I think Casey mentioned this to you before - but I would *love* to have you here at RAD. If you ever consider moving, I would do whatever it took! <grin>
RAD Game Tools
Second mail:
From: Jeff Roberts
Subject: Re: dude!
To: Fabian "ryg" Giesen
Date: 1/5/2010 7:19PM
Dude, we need someone to come help on Larrabee! Come help us out and make mad cash!
RAD Game Tools
And the rest is history.
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