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Created June 3, 2014 23:50
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enum Maybe<T> {
case Just(T)
case None
func maybe(def: T, fn: (T) -> (T)) -> T {
switch self {
case let Just(x): return fn(x)
case None: return def
func fromMaybe(def: T) -> T {
switch self {
case let Just(x): return x
case None: return def
let just : Maybe<Int> = .Just(1)
let none : Maybe<Int> = .None
just.maybe(10) { val in val + 100 } // 101
none.maybe(10) { val in val + 2 } // 10
func listToMaybe<T>(list: Array<T>) -> Maybe<T> {
if list.count != 0 {
return .Just(list[0])
} else {
return .None
listToMaybe([1,2,3]) // Just 1
listToMaybe([]) // None
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