Context: assessing the CNCF landscape to understand where Radius could integrate and leverage other CNCF projects. The end goal is to drive adoption of Radius via reach into other user communities.
I'm using this query to navigate the landscape. This query filters out non-CNCF projects that are on the landscape as well as CNCF archived (abandoned). I'm including sandbox projects in the analysis, but giving them lower weight than more mature projects. Our goal is to drive adoption of Radius, and sandbox projects will not have a significant user community attached.
Of the projects on the landscape, I thought XXX of them deserved serious consideration and thought. For many projects, while they are valuable, are just not relevant to Radius (eg: OperatorFramework) For projects that could be relevant with an increased scope (eg: Copacetic or Buildpacks) I'm including them in their own section. I'm also listing projects that compete with Radius for completeness.
These are projects where we already have significant integration points
There are may projects that exist to streamline the definition of application manifests using the Kubernetes API. Since we implemented controllers, Radius will just work with all of these.
We built Backstage plugins for Radius as part of the dashboard. We also did analysis on integration into the Backstage software catalog, and decided not to pursue it.
We have significant integration points for applications that use Dapr.
Integration with these two Gitops projects is already in the design phase.
Crossplane uses the Kubernetes API to implement IaC functionality for the major clouds. It also provides templating functions to simplify managing custom workloads. Crossplane is a candidate for an additional recipe driver.
The value for us