- mklink /j "C:\Users\username\OneDrive\folder" "D:\folder"
Some sources:
- Junctions: https://j0rt3g4.medium.com/how-to-synchronize-folders-from-different-drives-on-onedrive-f400395f203c
- Sync junctions: https://superuser.com/questions/1308909/2-way-sync-doesnt-work-in-onedrive-when-using-symbolic-links-or-junctions
- Retrigger OneDrive even for junctions: https://github.com/ktheod/OneDriveBully/tree/master
On a new system:
- Remove the synced folder, which you want tot use via junction in the OneDrive folder sync settings
- Close OneDrive
- Create junction
- Add your main user to the security setting of the junction to disallow read etc.
- Open OneDrive (It will now not remove the junction, otherwise OneDrive will always remove it)
- Enable Sync of the folder again
- Remove the Disallow Read security setting for this folder
- OneDrive now syncs to your empty junction