Install helm
on your local machine, we will use it to generate YAML.
Tiller won't be installed on the cluster.
You'll be using the CLI only to generate YAML from a YAML template.
If you'd prefer to not fully avoid helm, you can hand-craft YAML or write your own generator scripts.
Depending on your installation configuration, you may need permission to create, modify and delete the following resources:
- NetworkPolicy
- Secret
- Role
- RoleBinding
- ClusterRole
- ClusterRoleBinding
- ServiceAccount
- ConfigMap
- Service
- DaemonSet
- Deployment
- StatefulSet
- CronJob
- Ingress
Follow with the following exceptions:
- Skip
Create a Tiller Service Account
andDeploy a Tiller Pod
in step 4 - Replace step 10 with the following commands
helm template -n <release-name> -f config.yaml . --namespace <my-namespace> > my_deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f my_deployment.yaml -n <my-namespace>