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Last active February 14, 2025 22:26
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Filtrar chats de Idealista para que solo aparezcan personas con perfil relleno según nuestras necesidades
// ==UserScript==
// @name Idealista chat
// @description Filtrar el chat de Idealista
// @version 1.4
// @include
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function my_hack_ajax() {
const CHAT_URL = "/conversations/list.ajax";
class Cache {
static set(key, obj) {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(obj));
console.log("Cache.SET "+key);
static get(key) {
const v = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
if (v==null) return null;
console.log("Cache.GET "+key);
return JSON.parse(v);
(function(XHR) {
const open =; = function(method, url, async, user, pass) {
if (url.startsWith(CHAT_URL)) url = url.replace(/\bsize=\d+/, "size=200");, method, url, async, user, pass);
const toVCard = (contacts) => {
return => {
const uid = 'uid-' +\D/g, '');
return [
`NOTE:${c.note.replace(/\n/g, '\n ')}`,
const waitForGlobal = function(key, callback) {
const gvar = window[key];
if (gvar == null)
setTimeout(waitForGlobal, 100, arguments);
callback.apply(gvar, Array.from(arguments).slice(2));
const gJSON = function(obj) {
if (typeof obj === "string") {
obj = {
dataType: "json",
url: obj,
async: false
const r = $.ajax(obj)
if (r.responseJSON == null) {
console.error("gJSON() == null", obj);
return null;
return r.responseJSON;
const dwnLoad = (file, txt) => {
if (typeof txt != "string") txt = JSON.stringify(txt, null, 2);
const a = document.createElement("a");
const b = new Blob([txt], {
'type': 'text/plain'
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(b); = file;;
const gChat = function(id, size) {
if (size==null) size = 100;
return gJSON({
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: "",
async: false,
data: JSON.stringify({
"conversationId": id,
"readSize": size,
"unreadSize": size,
const addMethods = function(obj, flds) {
Object.entries(flds).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (key.startsWith("_")) {
obj[key] = value.bind(obj);
obj[key] = (function(cached, fnc) {
if (this[cached] == null) {
this[cached] = fnc.apply(this, Array.from(arguments).slice(2));
return this[cached];
}).bind(obj, "_cached_" + key, value);
const partition = function(array, isValid) {
return array.reduce(([pass, fail], elem) => {
return isValid(elem) ? [
[...pass, elem], fail
] : [pass, [, elem]];
}, [
const safeJsonParse = function(s, url) {
if (s==null) return null;
try {
return JSON.parse(s);
} catch (error) {
console.error(url+" is not a json", s);
return null;
const findAll = function () {
const txt = arguments[0];
if (txt==null) return [];
const arr = [];
for (let i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) {
let mth = txt.match(arguments[i]);
if (m.length>0 && !arr.includes(m)) arr.push(m);
return arr;
class CHAT {
constructor(file) {
this._conversations = [];
this._file = file;
get chats() {
return this._conversations;
add(chats) {
if (chats.conversations) chats = chats.conversations;
const ids = =>;
this._conversations = this._conversations.filter(c => !ids.includes(;
getConversations(full) {
if (full) {
this._conversations.forEach(c => {
if (full!=false) return this._conversations;
const arr =>{
const a = {};
Object.entries(c).forEach(([k, v])=>{
if (!k.startsWith('_cached_')) a[k]=v;
return a;
return arr;
save(full) {
dwnLoad(this._file+'.json', this.getConversations(full===true));
getContacts() {
return this.getConversations().flatMap(c=>{
if (c.role != "ADVERTISER") return [];
const ct = c._getContact();
if (ct==null || || return [];
return ct;
vCard() {
const vCard = toVCard(this.getContacts());
dwnLoad(this._file+'.vCard', vCard);
csv() {
let head = "First Name,Phone 1 - Value,Photo,Notes";
let mls = 0;
const lines = this.getContacts().map(c=>{
const note = (c.note||'').replace('"', "'").replace(/\n+/g, ". ");
let ln = `"${}",${},${c.image},"${note}",${[0]}`;>ln+`,"${m}"`);
mls = Math.max(mls,;
return ln.replace(/"(null|undefined)"/g, "").replace(/,(null|undefined),/g, ",,");
for (let i=1; i<=mls; i++) head = head + `,E-mail ${i} - Value`;
dwnLoad(this._file+'.csv', head+"\n"+lines+"\n");
"ok": new CHAT("idealista-ok"),
"ko": new CHAT("idealista-ko")
(chat_filter) => {
dataFilter: function(data, type) {
if (!this.url.startsWith(CHAT_URL)) return data;
const js = safeJsonParse(data, this.url);
if (js==null) return data;
if (!js.conversations) return data;
/* Añadir funcionalidad al objeto */
js.conversations.forEach(c => {
addMethods(c, {
getMessages: function() {
const key = 'chat_';
let chat = Cache.get(key);
if (chat!=null && this.lastMessage == chat.text && this.isFromMe == chat.fromMe) {
return chat;
chat = gChat(;
Cache.set(key, chat);
return chat;
hasMe: function() {
if (this.lastMessage && this.lastMessage.isFromMe) return true;
return this.getMessages().filter(m => m.fromMe).length > 0;
getProfile: function () {
let prf = null;
const url = "/conversations/" + + "/seeker-profile.ajax";
if ((prf = Cache.get(url))==null) {
prf = gJSON(url).body;
Cache.set(url, prf);
return prf;
getTxt: function() {
return this.getMessages().reverse().flatMap(m=>{
if (m.fromMe) return [];
if (m.text==null) return [];
const t = m.text.trim();
return t.length==0?[]:t;
_getPlainTxt: function(prf) {
const coverLetter = (prf!=null && (typeof prf.coverLetter == "string"))?prf.coverLetter:'';
return (coverLetter+'\n\n'+this.getTxt()).toLowerCase()
.replace(/á/g, "a")
.replace(/é/g, "e")
.replace(/í/g, "i")
.replace(/ó/g, "o")
.replace(/ú/g, "i")
_getIncome: function(prf) {
if (prf!=null && prf.income!=null) return prf.income;
if (c.hasMe()) return Infinity;
const txt = c._getPlainTxt(prf);
const num = findAll(
x = x.replace(/\D/, "").trim();
if (x.length == 0) return [];
const n = parseInt(x);
if (isNaN(n)) return [];
if (n<1000) return [];
if (n>5000) return [];
return n;
if (num.length==0) return Infinity;
return Math.min(...num);
_getContact: function() {
const txt = this._getPlainTxt();
const email = findAll(
const name = this.userName.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).map(s=>s.length<2?s:s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)).join(" ");
const prf = this.getProfile();
const income = this._getIncome(prf);
return {
name: name,
phone: prf!=null &&,
email: email,
image: this.userPhoto,
note: [
prf!=null && ( || prf.teenagers)?"con niños":null,
prf!=null && prf.ownsPet?"con mascota":null,
income!=null && income!=Infinity?income+" €/mes":null,
/* Filtrar */
const [ok, ko] = partition(js.conversations, chat_filter);
if (ok.length != js.conversations.length) {
console.log("conversations", js.conversations.length, "->", ok.length);
js.conversations = ok;
data = JSON.stringify(js);
return data;
(c) => {
/* Only filter my ads */
if (c.role != "ADVERTISER") return true;
/* Only filter not starred chats */
if (c.isStarred) return true;
const doBan = (...arr) => {
const d = new Date(;
if ((d.getFullYear()+2)<(new Date()).getFullYear()) return false;
const s = d.toISOString().split('T')[0];
console.log(, s, ...arr);
return false;
/* NO fraud, agency, counteroffer or empty profile */
if (c.isFraudWarning) return doBan("isFraudWarning");
if (c.agencyName && c.agencyName.length) return doBan("isAgency");
if (c.lastMessage && c.lastMessage.counterOffer != null) return doBan("isCounteroffer");
if (!(c.userProfilePreview && c.seekerHasUserProfile)) return doBan("isNotProfile");
/* NO pet */
if (/con mascota/.test(c.userProfilePreview)) return doBan("isPet", c.userProfilePreview);
/* NO minors */
if (/con menores/.test(c.userProfilePreview)) return doBan("hasMinors", c.userProfilePreview);
const people = (()=>{
if (c.userProfilePreview==null) return Infinity;
const userProfilePreview = c.userProfilePreview.trim().toLowerCase();
const w1 = userProfilePreview.replace(/[, ].*$/, "");
if (w1 == "pareja") return 2;
const fam = userProfilePreview.match(/familia de (\d+)/);
if (fam!=null && fam.length>0) {
const f = parseInt(fam[fam.length-1], 10);
if (!isNaN(f)) return -f;
const n1 = parseInt(w1, 10);
if (!isNaN(n1)) return n1;
if (w1 == "familia") return 3;
return Infinity;
/* NO too many people */
if (Math.abs(people) > 2) return doBan("tooManyPeople", people, c.userProfilePreview);
/* Family of 2 persons usually has minors */
if (people<0) return doBan("isFamily", people, c.userProfilePreview);
const prf = c.getProfile();
/* NO in Spain yet */
if ( && && != "34") return doBan("isNotResident",;
const banIfMath = (msg, => {
const mth = findAll(c._getPlainTxt(prf),;
if (mth == null || mth.length == 0) return false;
doBan(msg, ...mth);
return true;
/* NO minors */
if (banIfMath(
/con una? niñ[oa]/g,
/con una? bebe/g,
)) return false;
if (banIfMath(
/para mi madre y yo/g,
)) return false;
if (banIfMath(
)) return false;
const income = c._getIncome(prf);
/* NO low income */
const rent = parseInt([0].priceInfo.split()[0], 10);
if (income!=null) {
if (rent > (income * 0.40)) return doBan("isLowIncome", income);
if (people>1) {
if (income == Infinity) return doBan("dontHaveIncomeInfo", people);
if ((rent/people) > ((income/people) * 0.35)) return doBan("isLowIncomeForPeogle", people, income);
if (banIfMath(
/para mi y mi pareja/g,
/para mi y mi marido/g,
/para mi y mi mujer/g,
/para mi y mi esposo/g,
/para mi y mi esposa/g,
/somos un matrimonio/g,
)) return false;
return true;
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.textContent = "(" + my_hack_ajax.toString() + ")();";
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