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Last active October 27, 2017 22:28
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Palindromic prime pyramids (aka truncatable palindromic primes)
A truncatable palindromic prime is either a prime digit, or a palindromic
prime number that contains no 0 and such that removing its leading and
trailing digits yields a truncatable palindromic prime.
Here we prove that there are no truncatable palindromic primes with more
than 9 digits, and that the largest is 733929337.
Tested with FStar@dcaba9436
@summary Palindromic prime pyramids (aka truncatable palindromic primes)
@author Santiago Zanella-Beguelin
@date 27 October 2017
module PalindromicPrimes
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.List.Tot
(** b divides a when a % b = 0 *)
val divides: pos -> nat -> bool
let divides b a = a % b = 0
(** Computes the greatest divisor of [a] by trial division up to its square root *)
val greatest_divisor: a:pos -> b:pos -> d:pos{d < b} -> Tot pos (decreases (a - b))
let rec greatest_divisor a b d =
if a < b * b then d
else greatest_divisor a (b + 1) (if b `divides` a then b else d)
(** A prime is a number greater than 1 whose greatest divisor is 1 *)
val is_prime: nat -> bool
let is_prime a = 1 < a && greatest_divisor a 2 1 = 1
(** Digit reversal *)
val reverse_acc: nat -> nat -> nat
let rec reverse_acc n m =
if n <= 9 then m + n else reverse_acc (n / 10) (10 * (m + n % 10))
val reverse: nat -> nat
let reverse n = reverse_acc n 0
(** A palindrome is a number which equals its reversal *)
val is_palindrome: nat -> bool
let is_palindrome n = (n = reverse n)
type palindrome = n:nat{is_palindrome n}
(** Remove the digits at both ends of a palindrome *)
val truncate: palindrome -> nat
let truncate n = reverse (n / 10) / 10
(** The length of a number in digits *)
val length: n:nat -> pos
let rec length n = if n <= 9 then 1 else 1 + length (n / 10)
(** A digression to prove that [length a < length b ==> a < b] *)
val pow10: nat -> pos
let rec pow10 = function
| 0 -> 1
| n -> 10 * pow10 (n-1)
(** [10^(length n - 1) <= n < 10^(length n)] *)
val length_interval: n:pos -> Lemma
(pow10 (length n - 1) <= n /\ n < pow10 (length n))
let rec length_interval n =
if 9 < n then length_interval (n / 10)
val pow10_monotone: n:nat -> m:nat{n <= m} -> Lemma (pow10 n <= pow10 m)
let rec pow10_monotone n m =
if n <> m then pow10_monotone n (m - 1)
(** Shorter length implies smaller magnitude *)
val length_lt: a:pos -> b:pos{length a < length b} -> Lemma (a < b)
let length_lt a b =
length_interval a; length_interval b;
pow10_monotone (length a) (length b - 1)
val length_reverse_acc: n:nat -> m:pos -> Lemma
(length (reverse_acc n (10 * m)) = length n + length m)
let rec length_reverse_acc n m =
if 9 < n then length_reverse_acc (n / 10) (10 * m + n % 10)
(** [reverse] preserves length if the trailing digit is not 0 *)
val length_reverse: n:nat{0 < n % 10} -> Lemma (length (reverse n) = length n)
let length_reverse n =
if 9 < n then length_reverse_acc (n / 10) (n % 10)
(** Check if a number contains 0 digits *)
val no_zero: nat -> bool
let rec no_zero n =
if n <= 9 then 0 < n % 10
else 0 < n % 10 && no_zero (n / 10)
val no_zero_reverse_acc: n:nat{no_zero n} -> m:nat{no_zero m} -> Lemma
(no_zero (reverse_acc n (10 * m)))
let rec no_zero_reverse_acc n m =
if 9 < n then no_zero_reverse_acc (n / 10) (10 * m + n % 10)
val no_zero_reverse: n:nat{no_zero n} -> Lemma (no_zero (reverse n))
let no_zero_reverse n =
if 9 < n then no_zero_reverse_acc (n / 10) (n % 10)
val no_zero_truncate: n:palindrome{2 < length n /\ no_zero n} -> Lemma
(no_zero (truncate n))
let no_zero_truncate n =
no_zero_reverse (n / 10);
length_reverse (n / 10)
(** Truncating a number with more than 2 digits and no 0 removes exactly 2 digits *)
val length_truncate: n:palindrome{2 < length n && no_zero n} -> Lemma
(length (truncate n) = length n - 2)
let length_truncate n =
length_reverse (n / 10)
val divides_le_greatest_divisor: a:pos -> b:pos
-> d:pos{d < b /\ d * d <= a /\ d `divides` a /\
(forall d'.{:pattern (d' `divides` a)}
d < d' /\ d' < b ==> ~(d' `divides` a))} ->
Lemma (ensures d <= greatest_divisor a b d) (decreases (a - b))
let rec divides_le_greatest_divisor a b d =
if a < b * b then ()
else divides_le_greatest_divisor a (b + 1) (if b `divides` a then b else d)
val even_composite: a:pos{2 < a} -> Lemma
(requires a % 10 = 0 \/ a % 10 = 2 \/ a % 10 = 4 \/ a % 10 = 6 \/ a % 10 = 8)
(ensures ~(is_prime a))
let even_composite a = divides_le_greatest_divisor a 3 2
val five_composite: a:pos{5 < a} -> Lemma
(requires a % 10 = 5)
(ensures ~(is_prime a))
let five_composite a =
if 2 `divides` a || (a < 3 * 3 && 3 `divides` a) || a < 5 * 5 then ()
else divides_le_greatest_divisor a 6 5
(** All primes other than 2 and 5 end in 1, 3, 7, or 9 *)
val prime_last_digit: n:nat{is_prime n /\ n <> 2 /\ n <> 5} -> Lemma
(let d = n % 10 in d = 1 \/ d = 3 \/ d = 7 \/ d = 9)
let prime_last_digit n =
let d = n % 10 in
if d = 0 || d = 2 || d = 4 || d = 6 || d = 8 then even_composite n
else if d = 5 then five_composite n
(** [truncate n] is smaller than [n] if [n] has no zeros *)
val truncate_lt: n:palindrome{no_zero n} -> Lemma (truncate n < n) [SMTPat (truncate n << n)]
let truncate_lt n =
if 2 < length n then (length_truncate n; length_lt (truncate n) n)
* The base of a prime pyramid is either a single prime digit, or
* a palindromic prime with no 0 that when truncated is also the
* base of a prime pyramid.
val is_prime_pyramid: nat -> bool
let rec is_prime_pyramid n =
if n <= 9 then is_prime n
else is_prime n && is_palindrome n && no_zero n && is_prime_pyramid (truncate n)
type prime_pyramid = n:nat{is_prime_pyramid n}
(** Add a digit at both ends of a number *)
val add: n:nat{n <= 9} -> nat -> nat
let add d n = 10 * reverse (10 * n + d) + d
* Adding the truncated digits back to a prime pyramid gives the original number.
* This is the only lemma we assume.
assume val add_truncate: n:prime_pyramid{9 < n} ->
Lemma (n = add (n % 10) (truncate n))
(** Odd numbers *)
let is_odd (n:nat) = n % 2 = 1
type odd = n:nat{is_odd n}
val odd_minus: n:odd{1 < n} -> Lemma (is_odd (n - 2))
let odd_minus n = ()
val odd_plus: n:odd -> Lemma (is_odd (n + 2))
let odd_plus n = ()
#set-options "--initial_fuel 4 --max_fuel 4 --z3rlimit 50"
(** The length of the base of a prime pyramid is odd *)
val length_prime_pyramid: n:prime_pyramid -> Lemma (is_odd (length n))
let rec length_prime_pyramid n =
if length n <= 3 then ()
else if length n = 4 then length_truncate n
length_prime_pyramid (truncate n);
length_truncate n;
odd_plus (length (truncate n))
(** Primes that can be obtained by adding a digit at both ends of a number *)
val next_prime_palindromes: nat -> list nat
let next_prime_palindromes n =
filter is_prime [ add 1 n; add 3 n; add 7 n; add 9 n ]
(** All prime pyramids in increasing length order *)
let p1 : list nat = [ 2; 3; 5; 7 ]
let p3 : list nat = [ 727; 929; 131; 151; 353; 757; 373 ]
let p5 : list nat = [ 37273; 39293; 11311; 71317; 31513; 33533; 37573; 97579; 93739 ]
let p7 : list nat = [ 3392933; 7392937; 3315133; 1335331; 9375739 ]
let p9 : list nat = [ 733929337; 373929373 ]
let p11: list nat = [ ]
(** List of prime pyramids of odd length [i] *)
val prime_pyramids: i:odd -> list nat
let rec prime_pyramids i =
if i = 1 then p1
else flatten (map next_prime_palindromes (prime_pyramids (i - 2)))
val prime_pyramids9: unit -> Lemma (prime_pyramids 9 = p9)
let prime_pyramids9 _ = assert_norm (prime_pyramids 9 = p9)
val prime_pyramids11: unit -> Lemma (prime_pyramids 11 = [])
let prime_pyramids11 _ = assert_norm (prime_pyramids 11 = [])
(** There are no prime pyramids with 11 or more digits *)
val prime_pyramids_i: i:odd{11 <= i} -> Lemma (prime_pyramids i = [])
let rec prime_pyramids_i i =
if i = 11 then prime_pyramids11 () else prime_pyramids_i (i - 2)
(** [p1] is an exhaustive list of all prime pyramids of length 1 *)
val p1_complete: n:prime_pyramid{length n = 1} -> Lemma (mem n p1)
let p1_complete n = ()
(** Property of [collect] missing in the standard library *)
val mem_collect: #a:eqtype -> #b:eqtype -> f:(a -> list b) -> l:list a -> x:a -> y:b ->
(requires mem x l /\ mem y (f x))
(ensures mem y (flatten (map f l)))
let rec mem_collect #a #b f l x y =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
append_mem (f hd) (flatten (map f tl)) y;
if mem y (f hd) then () else mem_collect #a #b f tl x y
(** Property of [filter] missing in the standard library *)
val mem_filter: #a:eqtype -> f:(a -> bool) -> l:list a -> x:a ->
(requires f x /\ mem x l)
(ensures mem x (filter f l))
let rec mem_filter #a f l x =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl -> if x = hd then () else mem_filter #a f tl x
(** A prime pyramid is directly obtainable from its truncation *)
val mem_next_prime_palindromes_truncate: n:prime_pyramid{length n >= 3} ->
Lemma (mem n (next_prime_palindromes (truncate n)))
let mem_next_prime_palindromes_truncate n =
prime_last_digit n;
add_truncate n
(** [prime_pyramids i] is an exhaustive list of prime pyramids of length [i] *)
val pi_complete: i:odd -> n:prime_pyramid{length n = i} ->
Lemma (mem n (prime_pyramids i))
let rec pi_complete i n =
if i = 1 then p1_complete n
length_truncate n;
odd_minus i;
pi_complete (i - 2) (truncate n);
mem_next_prime_palindromes_truncate n;
mem_filter is_prime (next_prime_palindromes (truncate n)) n;
mem_collect next_prime_palindromes (prime_pyramids (i - 2)) (truncate n) n
(** A prime pyramid with 11 digits or more is absurd *)
val prime_pyramids_max: n:prime_pyramid{11 <= length n} -> Lemma False
let prime_pyramids_max n =
length_prime_pyramid n;
pi_complete (length n) n;
prime_pyramids_i (length n)
(** A prime pyramid has at most 9 digits *)
val length_bound: n:prime_pyramid -> Lemma (length n <= 9)
let length_bound n =
if 9 < length n then (length_prime_pyramid n; prime_pyramids_max n)
(** The largest prime pyramid base *)
let largest: prime_pyramid =
assert_norm (no_zero 733929337);
assert_norm (is_prime_pyramid 733929337);
(** 733929337 is the largest prime pyramid base *)
val largest_prime_pyramid: n:prime_pyramid -> Lemma (n <= 733929337)
let largest_prime_pyramid n =
assert_norm (length largest = 9);
if length n = 9 then
pi_complete 9 n;
prime_pyramids9 ();
assert_norm (mem n p9 ==> n = largest \/ n = 373929373)
else if length n < 9 then length_lt n largest
else length_bound n
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