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Last active July 17, 2018 10:00
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Test vector extraction
module M
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module LB = LowStar.Buffer
type vector =
| MkVec:
key_len: UInt32.t ->
key: LB.buffer UInt8.t{LB.len key == key_len} ->
let v_key = LB.gcmalloc_of_list HS.root [ 0xAAuy; 0xBBuy; 0xFFuy; ]
let v = MkVec 3ul v_key
/// New style
val is_hex_digit: Char.char -> bool
let is_hex_digit = function
| '0'
| '1'
| '2'
| '3'
| '4'
| '5'
| '6'
| '7'
| '8'
| '9'
| 'a' | 'A'
| 'b' | 'B'
| 'c' | 'C'
| 'd' | 'D'
| 'e' | 'E'
| 'f' | 'F' -> true
| _ -> false
type hex_digit = c:Char.char{is_hex_digit c}
val digit_to_int: c:hex_digit -> int
let digit_to_int = function
| '0' -> 0
| '1' -> 1
| '2' -> 2
| '3' -> 3
| '4' -> 4
| '5' -> 5
| '6' -> 6
| '7' -> 7
| '8' -> 8
| '9' -> 9
| 'a' | 'A' -> 10
| 'b' | 'B' -> 11
| 'c' | 'C' -> 12
| 'd' | 'D' -> 13
| 'e' | 'E' -> 14
| 'f' | 'F' -> 15
val hex_to_uint8: a:hex_digit -> b:hex_digit -> UInt8.t
let hex_to_uint8 a b =
UInt8.uint_to_t FStar.Mul.(digit_to_int a * 16 + digit_to_int b)
val hex_list_to_uint8:
l:list Char.char{List.Tot.length l % 2 == 0 /\ List.Tot.for_all is_hex_digit l} ->
u:list UInt8.t{List.Tot.length u == List.Tot.length l / 2}
let rec hex_list_to_uint8 s =
match s with
| a :: b :: s' -> hex_to_uint8 a b :: hex_list_to_uint8 s'
| [] -> []
noextract unfold
type hex_string =
s:string{normalize_term (String.strlen s) % 2 == 0 /\
List.Tot.for_all is_hex_digit (String.list_of_string s)}
inline_for_extraction noextract
val buffer_of_hex: s:hex_string ->
ST (b:LB.buffer UInt8.t {
let len = String.strlen s / 2 in
LB.recallable b /\
LB.alloc_post_static HS.root len b /\
LB.alloc_of_list_post len b
} )
(requires (fun h -> is_eternal_region HS.root
/\ LB.alloc_of_list_pre #UInt8.t (hex_list_to_uint8 (String.list_of_string s))))
(ensures (fun h b h' ->
let len = String.strlen s / 2 in
LB.alloc_post_common HS.root len b h h' /\
LB.as_seq h' b == Seq.of_list (hex_list_to_uint8 (String.list_of_string s))
let buffer_of_hex s =
LB.gcmalloc_of_list HS.root
(normalize_term (hex_list_to_uint8 (String.list_of_string s)))
/// Example
type _vector = {
_key: hex_string
let _v = {
_key = "AABBFF";
let _v_key = buffer_of_hex _v._key
let v' = MkVec 3ul _v_key
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