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Created February 26, 2016 09:36
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defmodule Eval do
def calculate(str), do: _calculate(str)
defp _calculate(str) do
{op, i} = find(str)
list1 = Enum.slice(str, 0..i-1)
list2 = Enum.slice(str, i+2..length(str))
_calculate(op, list1, list2)
defp _calculate(?+, list1, list2), do: number(list1) + number(list2)
defp _calculate(?-, list1, list2), do: number(list1) - number(list2)
defp _calculate(?*, list1, list2), do: number(list1) * number(list2)
defp _calculate(?/, list1, list2), do: number(list1) / number(list2)
defp find(str), do: _find(str, 0)
defp _find([], _), do: raise "No operator"
defp _find([ h | t ], i) do
if h in '+-*/' do
{h, i}
_find(t, i+1)
def number(str), do: _number(str, 0)
defp _number([], value), do: value
defp _number([ ?\s ], value), do: value
defp _number([ digit | tail ], value)
when digit in '0123456789' do
_number(tail, value*10 + digit - ?0)
defp _number([ non_digit | _ ], _), do: raise "Invalid digit #{[non_digit]}"
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