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Created April 29, 2020 07:18
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Reliable way to convert an SVG file to a PDF file using headless Chrome
# Convert an SVG file to a PDF file by using headless Chrome.
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: ./svg2pdf.bash input.svg output.pdf" 1>&2
exit 1
body {
margin: 0;
function init() {
const element = document.getElementById('targetsvg');
const positionInfo = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const height = positionInfo.height;
const width = positionInfo.width;
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = \`@page {margin: 0; size: \${width}px \${height}px}\`;
window.onload = init;
<img id=\"targetsvg\" src=\"${INPUT}\">
tmpfile=$(mktemp XXXXXX.html)
trap "rm -f $tmpfile" EXIT
echo $HTML > $tmpfile
google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf=$OUTPUT $tmpfile
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Nice. It works really well Thanks.
I fork it to add support for files with spaces after going throw the same problem as this user:

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I added Mac support in my fork. I think it will also support Chromium (if I understand correctly Chromium uses chrome instead of google-chrome, but I didn't verify this).

In case it helps anyone, I also noticed that in some cases, this produces a PDF with an extra blank page. This answer suggests adding line-height: unset; to the CSS, but I couldn't get that to work. I was able to fix it by editing the SVG file and making the width and height a little tighter. I don't know if the process can be automated.

Can I ask, is it OK to use this script in a BSD licensed project (I need something like this for sympy)?

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@asmeurer Thank you for your interest. As I released this script under public domain, you can use it freely without any acknowledgment.

Applied license:

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As a note, I have switched from this script to rsvg-convert command (librsvg2) to convert svg files to pdf files, because Chromium also has some issues regarding svg conversion.

For example, pattern fill in svg is converted as a raster image rather than vectors in Chromium.

rsvg-convert can handle pattern fill in an appropriate way and is stable (at least for my usage), so I'm currently using it.

Example usage:

rsvg-convert -f pdf foo.svg -o foo.pdf

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@asmeurer Thank you for your interest. As I released this script under public domain, you can use it freely without any acknowledgment.


As a note, I have switched from this script to rsvg-convert command (librsvg2) to convert svg files to pdf files, because Chromium also has some issues regarding svg conversion.

That's good to know. The svgs I need to convert for SymPy get messed up in some way or other with every tool I've tried (Inkscape, rsvg-convert, convert, cairosvg) except for Chrome.

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For everyone looking for a solution to the annoying blank page being appended: when sizing is not super critical just add 1px to the height in line 29.
Looking forward to dominant-baseline support in librsvg2 ... but in the meantime this works nicely.

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OlivierLemoine commented Apr 27, 2023

I had a problem with a UTF-8 char.
That's why I propose to update the <head> with <meta charset="UTF-8"> inside.

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hinell commented May 6, 2023

Anyone knows what's the backend is used to implement conversion from SVG to PS in chromium? Thanks in advance!

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I didn't try this, but by including the SVG as an image in an HTML document, doesn't it lose text information (it's rasterized for security)? Therefore, I'm guessing the PDF produced will also not contain text (that can be searched). Maybe not a huge problem...

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