- Compilation process
hello.c -> hello.i -> hello.s -> hello.o + some other object files -> hello.exe
- Findout CPU arch
- system calls definition path
- Invoking System Call with syscall
| Register | Value |
| RAX | # of System Call & Return value |
| RDI | 1st Argument |
| RSI | 2nd Argument |
| RDX | 3rd Argument |
| R10 | 4th Argument |
| R8 | 5th Argument |
| R9 | 6th Argument |
For shellcodes and efficient programming
- Reduce the instruction size
- Remove nulls
Keep in mind in assembly focus on how samll you can make the binary
Fundamental Data types
| Data type | Length |
| Byte | 8 bit |
| Word | 16 bit |
| Double Word | 32 bit |
| Quad Word | 64 bit |
| Double Quad Word | 128 bit |
- NASM properties
- Case Sensitive syntax
- Access mem ref with []
- mov rax, message # moves addr into rax
- mov rax, [message] # moves value into rax
- Define initialized data: db, dw, dd, dq, dt
- Define uninitialized data: resb, resw
- Special tokens: $, $$
- GDB TUI(Test User Interface) mode
- Arithmetic instructions
| Instruction | Description |
| ADD | Add two values |
| ADC | Add with carry (if carry flag is set) |
| SUB | Subtract two values |
| SBB | Subtract with borrow (if carry flag is set) |
| INC | Increment by one |
| DEC | Decriment by one |
- Bit shifting instructions
- Note that in shift right carry flag virtually would be at the rigt side
| Instruction | Definition |
| SHL | Shift one bit to the left |
| SHR | Shift one bit to the right |
| SAR | Shift Arithmatic to Right |
| SAL | Shift Arithmatic to Left |
| ROR | Rotate to Right |
| ROL | Rotate to Left |
- Control instructions
| Instruction | Description |
| JMP | unconditional jump |
| JXX | conditional jump |
LOOP use ECX which decrements until become 0
- Note that preserve ECX through loop (for e.g using stack)
- Other variations: LOOPE, LOOPNE
- Set of operations grouped together
- Called often from different places in the code
- In NASM procedures are defined using labels
- When a preocedure is called a Stack frame is created at the current location of RSP and acts like a prtition
- Stack frame will remove when procedure returns
- Arguments passed via (Registers, Stack, As data struct in memory refrenced by registers or on stack)
CALL <procedure_name>
- String operations
- scasb, scasw, scasd, scasq to compare with al, ax, eax, rax relativly (register to memory comparison)
- cmpsb, cmpsw, cmpsd, cmpsq to compare memory refrenced by RSI & RDI registers (memory to memory comparison)
- lodsb, lodsw, lodsd, lodsq to move from memory into register
- stosb, stosw, stosd, stosq to move from register into memory
- movsb, movsw, movsd, movsq to move from memory into memory which are refrenced by RSI & RDI registers
- Machine code with specific purpose
- Can be executed by CPU directly without any assembling/linking or compilation
- Deliverd as part of an exploit or added into an executable
- Its size is so important to be as smaller as possible
- Get all shellcode on binary file from objdump
objdump -d <obj_file> | grep -Po '\s\K[a-f0-9]{2}(?=\s)' | sed 's/^/\\x/g' | perl -pe 's/\r?\n//' | sed 's/$/\n/'
- Try to find each address in shellcode dynamically and do NOT use hardcodded adresses
- JMP-CALL-POP technique to avoid using hardcodded adresses
jmp call_shellcode
pop rsi
call shellcode:
HelloWorld db "Hello World!"
- Using python to generate shellcode
shell = '/bin/sh'
shell[::-1].encode("utf-8").hex() # reverse string and encode into hex