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Created August 22, 2017 07:50
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A simple wrapper around utterlyidle
import com.googlecode.utterlyidle.*
import com.googlecode.utterlyidle.servlet.ApplicationServlet
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
class Application(bindings: List<Binding>): HttpHandler {
val matcher = BindingMatcher(bindings = bindings)
override fun handle(request: Request): Response {
val binding = matcher.match(request)
return binding.action(request)
class BindingMatcher(val bindings: List<Binding>) {
private fun binding(method: String, path: String) = Binding(Method.valueOf(method), path, { request -> ResponseBuilder.response(Status.NOT_FOUND.description("Route not found")).build() })
fun match(request: Request): Binding {
val binding: Binding? = bindings
.filter { binding -> binding.method.equals(Method.valueOf(request.method())) }
.find({ binding ->
val uriTemplate = UriTemplate.uriTemplate(binding.path)
return binding ?: binding(request.method(), request.uri().path())
class UtterlyIdleBindingBasedServlet(val application: Application) : HttpServlet() {
override fun service(req: HttpServletRequest?, resp: HttpServletResponse?) {
val request = ApplicationServlet.request(req)
ApplicationServlet.transfer(application.handle(request), resp)
enum class Method {
data class Binding(val method: Method, val path: String, val action: (Request) -> Response)
infix fun Pair<Method,String>.by(action: (Request)->Response) = Binding(first, second, action)
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