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Last active May 10, 2024 09:48
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There are commands that start it's action as soon as you issue it, and there are some that requires additional arguments.

For example, ^ moves cursor to the first character on the line right away, but y requires additional argument to start executing.

Inserting, Changing, Replacing and Joining

key stroke Description
shift+j join lines
g shift+j do not add space when joining lines
~ change character under caret to uppercase
g ~ {motion} change the sequence covered by motion to uppercase

Searching, Finding and Replacing

key stroke Description
f {char} find the char on the line
F {char} find the char on the line, backwards
f {char}, ; repeat repeats the search
f {char}, , repeat repeats the search in opposite direction
t {char} Position cursor one position before the given char
T {char} Position cursor one position before the given char, backwards

Consider the following string

Delete THIS<<-- word.

To delete the THIS<<-- we can do

  1. Position cursor under T with f T
  2. d t w or d f [space] or d [Shift]+w or
key stroke Description
/ {word} search word
n repeat
N repeat opposite direction
? {word} search for word backwards.
n repeats
N repeats in opposite direction
* find the next occurence of the word under or nearest to the word under the cursor
# find the next occurence of the word under or nearest to the word under the cursor, backwards

Combine commands::

  1. If we do d /This, vi will delete everything from current cursor to where it found This.
  2. If we are at the start of a line, and do "a y /z, vi will yank characters from the currect cursor to the first occurence of character z to register a
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