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Created June 6, 2019 01:28
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Save saadtazi/6ff02f3b38a2bdebbcc28acbe7885145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. TLS only Client

See nats-io/nats-server#291

This allowed us to use AWS ELB with TLS termination.

We just copied _select_next_server(self) and modified around lines 47 and 59 (define and add ssl params at line 59).

A better solution would be change the default NATS client (in the main package):

  • have a default_dialer() method that wraps the asyncio.open_connection() call
  • add a custom_dialer parameter in the __init__() constructor. self.dialer should be set to self.default_dialer if custom_dialer is None.
  • call self.dialer() instead of asyncio.open_connection().

Golang Notes

Note that for the go client, the same thing is feasible by defining a CustomDialer and add it to the Options before opts.connect()

import asyncio
from nats.aio.client import Client as NATS, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
import time
import ssl
from nats.aio.errors import ErrNoServers
class TLSOnlyClient(NATS):
""" A TLS only nats Client.
By default, the initial connection is done without TLS
and then the connection gets upgraded to TLS based on servers configuration.
def _select_next_server(self):
Looks up in the server pool for an available server
and attempts to connect.
The only change was made when calling asyncio.open_connection():
we create and pass the `sc` param.
while True:
if len(self._server_pool) == 0:
self._current_server = None
raise ErrNoServers
now = time.monotonic()
s = self._server_pool.pop(0)
if self.options["max_reconnect_attempts"] > 0:
if s.reconnects > self.options["max_reconnect_attempts"]:
# Discard server since already tried to reconnect too many times
# Not yet exceeded max_reconnect_attempts so can still use
# this server in the future.
if s.last_attempt is not None and now < s.last_attempt + self.options[
# Backoff connecting to server if we attempted recently.
yield from asyncio.sleep(
self.options["reconnect_time_wait"], loop=self._loop
# added next lines
ssl_context = None
if s.uri.scheme == 'tls':
ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
if "tls" in self.options:
ssl_context = self.options.get('tls')
# end added next lines
s.last_attempt = time.monotonic()
r, w = yield from asyncio.open_connection(
ssl=ssl_context, # added this param
self._current_server = s
self._bare_io_reader = self._io_reader = r
self._bare_io_writer = self._io_writer = w
except Exception as e:
s.last_attempt = time.monotonic()
s.reconnects += 1
self._err = e
if self._error_cb is not None:
yield from self._error_cb(e)
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