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Last active July 18, 2019 18:29
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int main(void){
int current_year = 0;
int year_of_joining = 0;
float year_of_services = 0.0f;
float bonus = 0.0f;
printf("please enter current year:");
scanf("%d", &current_year);
printf("please enter year of joining:");
scanf("%d", &year_of_joining);
year_of_services = current_year = year_of_joining;
if(year_of_services > 3)
bonus = 2500.0f;
printf("Calculated Bonus Rs: %.2f\n", bonus);
return 0;
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dbc2201 commented Jul 18, 2019

  1. Every variable should not be float, think what should type of value you want to store.
  2. current_year and year_of_joining variables can be int simply.
  3. Line 11 should be year_of_services = current_year - year_of_joining;

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