- Passionate about industry standards and best practices.
- Driven to deliver functional, polished applications using the latest technologies and using open-source when possible.
- Demonstrated understanding of the development cycle ranging from proof of concept, implementation, unit testing, and deployment.
- Advocate for using cloud provided managed services versus building and maintaining your own solutions.
- Able to manage a small team and communicate big ideas effectively.
- Provides valueable insights and architecture recommendations on team.
- Clear and concise object-oriented or functional design
- Effective unit, spec and systems testing
- Distributed systems and Service Oriented Architecture
- Continous integration and deployment
- Choosing the right data store for the task
- Efficient and cost effective system design
- Monitor key metrics to understand system health
May 2018 - Current
- Designed and building generator for backend service project creation and scaffolding new development of features.
- Migrating large base backend library into specific libraries (logging, stats, authentication, database access) provided generic DSL to other developers.
February 2018 - May 2018
- Proposed, designed, and deployed GraphQL service in AWS lambda. Used serverless framework and had service deployed in days.
- Backend built with node.js using Apollo server deployed continuously with Gitlab CI
April 2015 - January 2018
- Proposed and received team acceptance for many best practice team standards including JSON schema endpoint testing and documenting.
- Migrated customer frontend from Rails to Node, React, Redux. Lead design of project structure and deployment.
- Designed and built keyword suggestions feature using Elastic Search Service. Integrated with existing data pipelines to upsert data in batches into our search index.
- Architected and built greenfield A/B testing app store product using some internal services and other SaaS products to go-live as early as possible.
- Architected data pipeline for recursively ingesting Apple App Store featured section data to correlate spikes in downloads to being featured.
- Handled deep investigation into our S3 storage costs. Recommended and implemented bucket lifecycle policies saving over $30k per month
June 2014 - March 2015
- Re-designed account management and permissions to allow full and restriced third party access (agencies) to our client's accounts.
- Built and wrote tests for endpoints and schemas while collaborating with front-end team for new features.
- Reduced complexity of legacy API via strategic refactoring.
March 2012 – April 2014
- Integrated data from various SaaS products (REST, SOAP) and internal systems systems (LDAP, custom) using threaded queueing system.
- Proposed and migrated over 50 software engineers from gitweb to Gitlab resulting many improvements to process.
- Wrote integration and unit tests for key services in Rspec.
- Deployed CAS open source service and integrated SaaS and internal products for employees to have SSO.
- Developed new company intranet (Ruby on Rails) and supported existing web applications written in Python/Django.
- Deployed PaaS Heroku like infrastructure to host internal services and to simply deploys.
- Created and implemented Puppet automation to maintain consistency across multiple internal hosts.
June 2009 – June 2011
- Developed a virtual warehouse plug-in for client using existing schema. Built web interfaces to facilitate the transfer of extra stock on maritime vessels between ships and warehouses to save cost.
- Engineered a web interface to handle purchase order workflow approvals and vendor quotations that was integrated with our existing sofware solution for client.
- Completed a web prototype in Python and Django with role-based access control and workflowable objects that was evaluated for feature parity against legacy Powerbuilder software product solution.
ComputerAid, Inc/Royal Carribean
March 2007 – June 2009
- Redirected a previously plan server replacement LCM project by virtualizing physical servers using existing VMWare cluster on ship resulting in over 100k of savings for client.
- Built a batch process to upload new ship building purchase orders into clients purchasing system.
- Led team of developers handling all new feature development and support requests for the client's ERP system on 35 ships. The system handled purchases, inventory and marine and hotel maintenance.
Jan 2005 – Jan 2007
- Conceived, developed, and successfully launched managed an online marketplace connecting University of Miami students with different off-campus housing options in the greater Miami area.
- Obtained revenue-generating property listings via marketing efforts in the local real estate community using direct mail, Facebook advertising and e-mail.
- Pivoted to a hosted product for real estate brokers in the South Florida area by adding an integration with local MLS service.
Coral Gables, FL
Computer Information Systems