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Last active June 14, 2017 19:55
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# No comment... again...
Playing around with gdb attached to the binary running under wine on Linux, we
search for some of the strings that are printed when running the binary. Near
those, we find a string that looks much like ascii art and ends with a '}', so
this must be the flag. Unfortunately, the string only contains the last few
characters, the start seems to have been overwritten. It appears like the
string has been freed, and the front parts reclaimed by the heap allocator.
Switching to Windows, we set a conditional breakpoint on msvcrt!free which
triggers if the freed chunk contains 4 consecutive '-' (0x2d2d2d2d) with the
following command:
bp msvcrt!free "j (poi(poi(@esp+4)+16)==0x2d2d2d2d) ''; 'gc'"
Once this breakpoint triggers, we can inspect the freed buffer. Unfortunately,
it doesn't contain the (whole) flag. However, we can search memory again for
ascii art sequences using
s -a 0 L?80000000 "----------------"
This time it finds multiple matches, most of them in one large contigous
region. Since windbg doesn't seem capable of printing c strings (without
inserting line breaks), we dump the data to a file:
.writemem C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\flag.txt start_addr start_addr + 0x100000
flag.txt now contains
#|----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | _________ | | | _____ | | | __ | | | ______ | |
#| | |_ ___ | | | | |_ _| | | | / \ | | | .' ___ | | |
#| | | |_ \_| | | | | | | | | / /\ \ | | | / .' \_| | |
#| | | _| | | | | | _ | | | / ____ \ | | | | | ____ | |
#| | _| |_ | | | _| |__/ | | | | _/ / \ \_ | | | \ `.___] _| | |
#| | |_____| | | | |________| | | ||____| |____|| | | `._____.' | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | __ | | | ____ | | | ______ | | | ____ | |
#| | .' _/ | | | .' '. | | | .' ____ '. | | | .' __ '. | |
#| | | | | | | | .--. | | | | | (____) | | | | | (__) | | |
#| | < < | | | | | | | | | | '_.____. | | | | .`____'. | |
#| | | |_ | | | | `--' | | | | | \____| | | | | | (____) | | |
#| | `.__\ | | | '.____.' | | | \______,' | | | `.______.' | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
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#| | _| |__) | | | | | `--' | | | | _| |_ | | | / / | |
#| | |_______/ | | | '.____.' | | | |_____| | | | /_/ | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | __ | | | __ | | | __ | | | ______ | |
#| | / \ | | | / \ | | | / | | | | .' ____ '. | |
#| | / /\ \ | | | / /\ \ | | | `| | | | | | (____) | | |
#| | / ____ \ | | | / ____ \ | | | | | | | | '_.____. | | |
#| | _/ / \ \_ | | | _/ / \ \_ | | | _| |_ | | | | \____| | | |
#| ||____| |____|| | ||____| |____|| | | |_____| | | | \______,' | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
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#| | `' __) | | | | |_/ / / | | | | |____ | | | / .' \_| | |
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#| | | \____) | | | | / / | | | | \____) | | | | \ `.___.'\ | |
#| | \______.' | | | /_/ | | | \______.' | | | `._____.' | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | ______ | | | _______ | | | ____ | | | __ | |
#| | .' ___ | | | | | ___ | | | | .' '. | | | / \ | |
#| | / .' \_| | | | |_/ / / | | | | .--. | | | | / /\ \ | |
#| | | | | | | / / | | | | | | | | | | / ____ \ | |
#| | \ `.___.'\ | | | / / | | | | `--' | | | | _/ / \ \_ | |
#| | `._____.' | | | /_/ | | | '.____.' | | ||____| |____|| |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | _________ | | | __ | | | ______ | | | _ _ | |
#| | |_ ___ | | | | / | | | | .' ___ | | | | | | | | | |
#| | | |_ \_| | | | `| | | | | / .' \_| | | | | |__| |_ | |
#| | | _| _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____ _| | |
#| | _| |___/ | | | | _| |_ | | | \ `.___.'\ | | | _| |_ | |
#| | |_________| | | | |_____| | | | `._____.' | | | |_____| | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
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#| | .' __ '. | | | / \ | | | .' '. | | | / ____ `. | |
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#| | | (____) | | | | _/ / \ \_ | | | | `--' | | | | | \____) | | |
#| | `.______.' | | ||____| |____|| | | '.____.' | | | \______.' | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | __ | | | ________ | | | _____ | | | ______ | |
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#| | / ____ \ | | | | | | | | | | .'____.' | | | | | | |
#| | _/ / \ \_ | | | _| |___.' / | | | / /____ | | | \ `.___.'\ | |
#| ||____| |____|| | | |________.' | | | |_______| | | | `._____.' | |
#| | | | | | | | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
# .----------------. .----------------.
#| .--------------. | .--------------. |
#| | ______ | | | __ | |
#| | .' ____ \ | | | \_ `. | |
#| | | |____\_| | | | | | | |
#| | | '____`'. | | | > > | |
#| | | (____) | | | | _| | | |
#| | '.______.' | | | /__.' | |
#| | | | | | |
#| '--------------' | '--------------' |
# '----------------' '----------------'
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