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Last active December 26, 2015 13:19
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Save safx/7157736 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
score' :: Int -> Char -> Int
score' _ '-' = 0
score' b '/' = 10 - b
score' _ 'X' = 10
score' _ '1' = 1
score' _ '2' = 2
score' _ '3' = 3
score' _ '4' = 4
score' _ '5' = 5
score' _ '6' = 6
score' _ '7' = 7
score' _ '8' = 8
score' _ '9' = 9
score = score' 0
calc :: Int -> [Char] -> Int
calc 10 ('X':'X':x:[]) = 20 + (score x)
calc 10 ('X':x:y:[]) = 10 + (score x) + (score y)
calc 10 (x:'/':y:[]) = 10 + (score y)
calc 10 (x:y:[]) = (score x) + (score y)
calc f ('X':xs) = 10 + b1 + b2 + (calc (f+1) xs)
where b1 = score (head xs)
b2 = score' b1 (head (tail xs))
calc f (x:'/':xs) = 10 + b1 + (calc (f+1) xs)
where b1 = score (head xs)
calc f (x:y:xs) = t1 + t2 + (calc (f+1) xs)
where t1 = score x
t2 = score' t1 y
printTest (testCase, result) = do
putStrLn $ (if (calc 1 testCase) == result then "CLEAR" else "FAIL") ++ " " ++ testCase
testCases = [
("9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-", 90),
("X54----------------", 28),
("1/5-----------------", 20),
("1/5-2/-/8-----------", 56),
("------XX----------", 30),
("------XXX--------", 60),
("--------------------", 0),
("-------------------/5", 15),
("------------------X54", 19),
("5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5", 150)
test = mapM_ printTest testCases
main = test
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